Chapter Fifty Nine

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"I never thought I'd see her again,"

"What can I do? Is there anything that would make this... I don't know," Stefania looked at the floor as she thought. 

"I don't really have an answer for you. I already got used to you having a fake girlfriend but never in a million years would I have thought it would be her. The odds are just... you know?"

"Yeah, I know," Danielle nodded as she tried to think of something else to say. "I'm sorry that happened though," She scooted closer to her girlfriend and pulled her hand onto her lap. 

"Me too," Stefania shrugged her shoulders a little helplessly and leaned into Danielle. "Thank you for listening,"

"Of course, my love," Danielle said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Thank you for telling me. Let me know if you ever need anything, yeah?"

"We can just stay here for a while," Stefania whispered as she thought back to the top of the auditorium. She forced herself to stop thinking about Luc a long time ago and it was like her brain hadn't fully wrapped her head around what was going on yet. They stayed on the sofa for a while. Danielle started to doze off but Stefania was wide awake, staring at the blank television screen.

"I need to see her again," Stefania sat up and ran a hand through her hair. 

"Huh?" Danielle cleared her throat as she looked at Stefania, slightly startled. 

"I need to see her again and I need to apologise. Even though twenty four hours ago I had a vengeance for her because she liked my girlfriend which is so weird! Isn't that the weirdest?"

"Yeah, it's on odd coincidence," Danielle nodded her head as she sat on the edge of the sofa and finished the wine in her glass. "You want to head up to bed?"

"We're sleeping in yours?" The brunette asked hopefully.

"If you want," Stefania nodded her head eagerly as she took their glasses into the kitchen. She must admit, she did feel a little lighter after telling Danielle the story. The blonde was making her way up the stairs so Stefania jogged over and grabbed her hips, pulling her backwards and into her. Danielle let out a little scream as she fell back into Stefania, grabbing onto her arms. "I love you," Stefania whispered, kissing the top of her head as she held her close. 

"I love you too," Danielle smiled as she felt herself relax a little then slipped a hand into Stefania's and led her up the stairs. They got ready for bed quietly, brushing their teeth, followed by minty kisses and sleepy smiles. Stefania was emotionally exhausted and the fact that it was a Friday and she had no plans tomorrow, was a blessing. 

Stefania got into Danielle's bed first, stretching out like a starfish and watching Danielle's movements around the room. She smiled softly when Danielle looked at her and raised an eyebrow. 

"Now, how is this going to work?" She questioned, motioning to the lack of space left on the bed. Stefania clenched and unclenched her hands, clearly wanting Danielle to just lay on top of her. The blonde sighed as she got on the bed and slowly lowered herself onto Stefania, giving her a quick kiss before she rested her head on her shoulder. "Happy?" The brunette nodded with a smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend and held her tightly, Danielle slipping her hands underneath Stefania so she could caress her back.

"You're my blanket for the night," Stefania whispered. 

"Not sure that's going to work, Stef" Danielle laughed softly and lifted her head up a little. "Besides, there's a perfectly lovely cover here, for the both of us, and you can still be completely attached to me when we're under it," 

"Okay," Stefania whispered after a moment. Danielle pushed herself off of Stefania and pulled the covers up. As soon as they were under them, Stefania wrapped herself around Danielle as best as she could, sighing happily. 

"Uh... the light is still on," Stefania burst out laughing. It wasn't even that funny but the dead pan in Danielle's voice sent her over the edge. She untangled herself, dived out from under the covers, flicked the switch and was straight back in her lovers arms before you could say her full name. 


Danielle slowly began to wake up, an intense feeling of pleasure was coursing through her body, seeping it's way up into her sleep dazed brain. She let out a soft moan and started to move her hips a little as her breathing started to get heavier and heavier and then suddenly, she was awake. 

"Mhm, good morning, baby," Stefania mumbled from under the covers, her voice sending vibrations through Danielle. 

"I- fuck. Good morning," Danielle reached down and tangled her hands in Stefania's hair as her mind caught up with her body. "What are-" She cut herself off with a moan, her back arching up slightly and her grip in Stefania's hair getting tighter. The brunette shifted a little and had one hand holding Danielle's hips down, the other deep inside of her moaning girlfriend. It was safe to say that she definitely woke up in a good mood. 

"Sleep well?" Stefania asked, smirking as the only reply was a string of moans and curse words and her name. Gosh, she loved the way Danielle moaned her name. She could already feel that she was close from the tightness of the grip in her hair and the small twitches that Danielle had no control over. 

"Don't stop," Danielle breathed out, her skin heating up as she closed her eyes in pure bliss. "I- Stefania!" The blonde yelled out her girlfriends name as her orgasm crashed into her, legs shaking and back arching as Stefania slowed down her movements. She pressed a few kisses to the inside of Danielle's thighs as she pulled her fingers out and made her way up Danielle's body, coming out from under the covers. 

Danielle looked like a goddess, rosy cheeks, hair splayed out over the pillows, chest rising and falling quickly. Stefania admired her girlfriend for a second as she hovered over her until Danielle barely opened her eyes, eyelids heavy. She looked down at Stefania's hand, grabbed her wrist and brought it up to her mouth, sucking on the two fingers that were just buried in her. 

The brunette's mouth dropped open as Danielle held eye contact and she felt her legs get a little weak as her girlfriend's tongue wrapped around her fingers. Then again, what did she expect from having a girlfriend as gorgeous as Danielle Savre? 

"Well, that was hot," Stefania mumbled as Danielle let them slide out of her mouth, a devilish smile on her face. Danielle's sex blurred brain could barely even coherent what Stefania said as she grabbed her girlfriend's hips and pulled her forward until she was straddling one leg, the connection making Stefania bite down on her lip, hair falling over her face. The blonde barely pushed her leg up and Stefania let out a soft moan, pushing down onto it, the pressure feeling heavenly. 

"That's it," Danielle whispered as Stefania started to grind herself more forcefully on Danielle's leg. She placed her hands on either sides of Danielle's head and buried her face in the crook of her neck as she moved her hips, biting down on her girlfriend's skin when she would tense up her leg. 

"I want... more," Stefania whispered, the sound of her voice and breathing right by Danielle's ear covered her body in goose bumps. 

"What do you want? My fingers? My tongue?" All Stefania could do was weakly nod her head as she dug her fingers into pillow. The blonde flipped them over, managing to keep her leg tightly pressed between Stefania's and then made her way down her body, pulling off her shorts as she went and wasting no time at all in giving Stefania what she wanted. 

"This is definitely a good morning,"

A/N: Happy holidays everyone! Hope you're all well and safe. I know the holidays can sometimes be really difficult for people, especially after the year we've all had, so if you need to talk, my DM's are always open (and I'm awake pretty much all the time) 

IG: savre.anatomy

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now