Chapter Forty Seven

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"I feel like such a bad girlfriend,"

Stefania woke up the next day with a head ache. Great. She rolled over in bed and barely opened her eyes as she stared at the ceiling. It was times like this that she wished she wouldn't feel bad for taking a day off of work. She also wished she had texted Danielle last night to sleep in her bed so at least she could have woken up to her girlfriend. Instead, she woke up with a frown on her face, especially with the knowledge that she probably won't see Danielle until she got back from work much later that day.

She forced herself to get out of bed and stared at herself in the mirror, trying to psych herself up for the day but nothing seemed to work. She felt like a storm cloud was following her around as she walked to the bathroom, had a shower and went back into her room to put clothes on. Everything felt oddly constricting. 

"Maybe I just need a coffee," She said to herself as she ran a hand through her hair and let her shoulders drop. She headed downstairs and started to make a coffee, leaning on the counter and looking out into the garden. As she was adding sugar, the door swung open and someone came in, making her jump a little but she didn't look to see who it was.

"You're still here! Thank goodness," Danielle sighed as she kicked off her trainers and walked over to Stefania. "I got these for you," She said as she placed a little bunch of flowers, a bottle with some sort of green juice in it and a large container of freshly prepared fruit on the counter. Stefania felt a small smile form on her face as she turned around. "I'm sorry I didn't see your texts or anything yesterday. Jaina told me a bit about how so much was going on yesterday and I didn't want to wait until this evening before seeing you again,"

"It's okay," Stefania smiled weakly, her head ache was not easing up in the slightest and Danielle was speaking really fast. She took a sip of her coffee and let out a small sigh. "Thank you, bella,"

"You're not okay," Danielle stated as she walked over to her girlfriend and placed a hand on her cheek. 

"Just a  bad head ache," Stefania pressed her head into Danielle's hand a little and felt the overwhelming urge to cry. It made her realise just how much she needed her girlfriend's touch yesterday. She tilted her head back and swallowed hard as she willed herself to keep any emotions at bay. 


"What's in the bottle?" She managed to ask before Danielle questioned her any further. 

"A lot of healthy and energising stuff. Apple, kiwi, spirulina, all that jazz," The blonde could tell that Stefania didn't want to talk but she wished she could do something. "What time are you finishing today?"

"Uhm, five but there's a lot to do," Stefania took another sip of her coffee and looked down at the ground. "I'm just going to finish this upstairs," She said as took a step towards Danielle and gave her a soft kiss. "Grazie," She whispered, as she rested her free hand on the side of Danielle's neck briefly before she went up. Danielle smiled as she watched Stefania go up. She wish she knew what had actually happened yesterday and she wished that she wasn't working so she could see her some more. She still wasn't really allowed anyone on set yet which was a little annoying. 

To make sure Stefania knew she was there for her, Danielle went up to her room and grabbed a piece of paper. Little notes had kind of become their thing.

I'm promising you lots of kisses and cuddles later 

I hope your day gets better, my love

Danielle :) 

She took it back down and placed the note on the carton of fruit along with some paracetamol for her head ache in case she didn't have any at hand. The blonde went back into her room and laid on her bed. She was still quite tired from yesterday but knew that if she wanted to fit in going to the gym today, she would have to go now. 

As she changed, she heard Stefania go downstairs again, and a few minutes later, the door shut.  Danielle knew that she had to make time to see her later, properly. Because the simple fact that she was up before she went to work would usually elicit more of a response. Unfortunately, there wasn't much else she could do now. 

Fast forward a few hours and Danielle was back on set, talking with Jesse about how she was finding it so far. He was shocked that she hadn't worked on a set as big as this before because she seemed really professional with it. He told her a couple of stories about Caterina from the previous movie they worked on together, how one time she actually kneed him in the balls when they were shooting an intimate scene together. 

"It's great how eager she is to run lines as well," Danielle said as she checked her phone again just in case Stefania had messaged her. 

"Run lines? I could never get her to run lines. She's all about doing it herself and then it just comes naturally on set,"

"Oh, she wasn't like that yesterday," Danielle replied, though didn't think any deeper into it. Her techniques as an actor have probably just changed. Jesse still thought it was weird. They wrapped earlier than anticipated which was great news for Danielle who practically ran to her trailer and then darted back home. It had just gone eight so Stefania should definitely be home and also still be awake. 

Danielle was quick with taking her trainers off, dumping her stuff in her room then knocking on Stefania's door.


"It's me,"

"Danielle," Stefania smiled when she looked up and saw her girlfriend's pretty face peeping round the door frame. "Hi," She felt the urge to cry all over again as Danielle walked over to her and she was quick to put her laptop to the side. The blonde sat down on the bed and Stefania wasted no time in wrapping her arms around her and holding her close. 

"You okay?" Stefania shook her head as her grip on Danielle's top tightened. 

"I'm so tired," She whispered. 

"You want to talk about yesterday and today?"

"People can be so horrible," Stefania said, still holding onto Danielle. "This girls mother called because she wasn't happy that her daughter wasn't cast in one of the main roles. And I tried to explain that there's always next year and that she will learn more and she just said..." Stefania trailed off as she took a breathe. "She said how I don't know what I'm talking about because I'm not even from here and that I don't know how American schools work,"

Danielle's mouth dropped open a little as Stefania explained what this parent had said. 

"She mocked my accent and said she couldn't even understand what I was saying and I couldn't really say anything back," She sat up and let out a breathe. "It's just a messy week and that didn't help,"

"Can't you talk to someone higher because that's not acceptable, Stefania," The brunette shrugged, she was tired  and even talking about it just made her feel so much worse. 

"I kind of want to go to sleep. Everything is ready for tomorrow and I'm not hungry,"

"You haven't had dinner?"

"I'm not hungry," Stefania got up from her bed and put her laptop in her bag. "I just want to sleep,"

"Okay," Danielle stood up and watched Stefania for a second. "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" She gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed to the door. 

"I didn't say you had to leave,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now