Chapter 42

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"Ah, marvellous!"

It was the first of May. Two weeks before Danielle was to start shooting Your Hand Featuring Mine. Over a month since Stefania had last talked to her father. The first day of Jaina's new job at Royal Central. Four days after Barrett and Brett got engaged. It's safe to say that a lot can happen in a month. 

"You're up early," Stefania said from the kitchen, eating a banana as she watched Danielle slowly walk down the stairs still in her pyjama's with messy hair. The brunette on the other hand, was all dressed and ready for the day. 

"Thought I'd be a good best friend and wish Jaina good luck before she leaves," Danielle explained, yawning as she got to Stefania and laid her head on her shoulder. "I don't know how you do this everyday,"

"It's called a routine, love," 

"It's called a routine, love," Danielle mimicked, wrapping her arms around Stefania's waist. "Did you sleep well?"

"Si, si. I finally had space to stretch out,"

"Shut up, you love sleeping with me,"

"Correct. I love sleeping with you. That has nothing to do with what I just said," Stefania replied, a sly smirk on her face as Danielle looked up at her.

"I meant sleeping next to me! You are a child,"

"You like sleeping with me. You tell me a lot. In fact, I'm pretty sure that just two nights ago you were telling me not to stop,"

"I should have stayed upstairs if I knew you were going to ridicule me like this!" Danielle said, shaking her head even though she still had her arms wrapped around Stefania. 

"You love it," She teased as she kissed the top of Danielle's head and chucked the banana peel in the bin. Danielle looked at Stefania and tilted her head to the side. Love. She had thought about it. "Why are you looking at me like that? Give me my morning kiss," Danielle rolled her eyes and pushed up on her toes to kiss Stefania. 

"Mhm, banana," 

"Do I hear Miss Danielle Savre before 9am? What has happened to the world!?" Jaina laughed as she came down the stairs. "How do I look?"

"Like you're about to kill your first day!" Danielle smiled at her best friend who had the biggest grin on her face. "I want texts every chance you get to let me know how it's going,"

"Of course, of course,"

"It's a lot of induction stuff today," Stefania said. "If anything, you'll just be sending texts of forms and papers and plans,"

"Fun!" Jaina said sarcastically as she filled up her water bottle. "But Boris is meeting me afterwards anyway and taking me on a date so if today ends up being boring, at least I know I have my man afterwards," Danielle smiled, partly because she was happy for Jaina, also because it meant her and Stefania were about to have a free house and she had something planned.  

"We better start going," Stefania said as she pulled her jacket on, Jaina following suit. Danielle walked up to Stefania and grabbed the collar of her jacket, pulling her down a little so she could kiss her.

"Have a good day at work," She smiled softly before kissing her again. 

"Don't do that to me," Jaina laughed as she took a step backwards, holding up a finger.

"Wouldn't dream of it! I'll probably see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah, most likely,"

"Okay, go kill it!" Stefania smiled at them, it was clear that they had a really strong bond. 

"Ciao bella," Danielle waved as they left and she watched them shut the door, feeling like some sort of proud mother. To Jaina that is. It was weird actually being awake this early and not having anything to do, but at least she could start to get in the routine for what her filming timetable was about to chuck at her. Danielle decided to head to the gym and get her workout done early so she would have more time to set up everything for Stefania.

She was going to ask her to be her girlfriend. 

It was weird how they spend so much time together, live together, but don't actually have a name to what they are. Which was all about to change tonight. If anything, this workout was going to help her shake off her nerves. Danielle did notice that she felt a lot happier today, she wasn't scowling as much as she usually does at the gym. Shocker. 

As time went on, Danielle slowly started to set everything up, music playing, apron on, hair tied up. She was in her own little world and it was bliss. 

Jaina O: Stefania was right, today is kind of boring

Jaina O: How's things with you?

Danielle S: Ah, that sucks :/

Danielle S: Going good, I feel like I've been smiling all day

Danielle S: It was so difficult not to say anything to her this morning

Jaina O: It's going to  be great :))

Danielle smiled down at her phone, doing a little dance with her shoulders as she carried on with what she was doing. 

SS: Hi :)

Danielle almost chucked the bottle she had in her hand when she got a notification from Stefania. 

Danielle <3: Hey pretty girl

Danielle <3: You okay? 

The blonde could feel her heart racing at the thought that it wouldn't be too long until Stefania got home. Sure, she still had a few hours, but it was sooner than an hour ago. 

SS: Just miss you 

Danielle <3: I miss you

Danielle <3: Not a good day at work?

SS: Just a lot of stuff going on

SS: I'm tired and I want to lay in bed with you

Danielle <3: We can later :)

Danielle <3: Take it easy, yeah?

Danielle <3: Just think about all the kisses I'll give you later

SS: That just makes me want to come home now!

Danielle could feel her heart literally melting in her chest. She couldn't believe just how smitten she was. The fact that she was voluntarily preparing a whole meal from scratch? Not a plastic container in sight? Smitten.  

About an hour before Stefania was due home, Danielle went upstairs to change, putting on an emerald green, lacy lingerie set underneath a casual but perfectly fitted red dress. Nothing too special because Stefania would be coming straight in from work but nice enough for her to know that something was up. 

A singular red rose was on the counter next to a box of Stefania's favourite chocolates. Candles were lit, food was almost finished cooking and a little hand written note was patiently waiting to be opened. 

SS: Just left work :) 

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now