Chapter Eleven

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"Get a room!"

Danielle had never shot a look at her best friend so fast before, eyebrows furrowed as she glared. 

"What? Does me cleaning her face mean something? I do that to my baby cousins," Stefania said as she turned back to the stove, clearly not phased in the slightest. Jaina turned away from the two and started giggling to herself, Danielle just stood there, kind of in shock. It was such a simple, little touch but the woman is so pretty, she could feel it in her chest. "Ragazze. Wash your hands,"

It had become apparent to Jaina and Danielle that Stefania drops in Italian words every other sentence but they don't want to continuously ask her to translate so pick out what they know. Luckily, it was just the first word they didn't understand. For all they knew, she could be calling them a couple of bitches. But again, both women listened and went to wash their hands, standing patiently as Stefania began to dish up.

"This smells so good," Jaina said, getting out some cutlery. 

"Grazie, it will taste even better," Oh, I'm sure it does. Danielle thought to herself, though she had a slightly different meaning behind hers. "Parmesan?" Both girls nodded their heads, watching at how neatly Stefania displayed everything. She signalled for them to sit down and placed the bowls in front of them. "Enjoy," She said with a smile as she took her apron off and sat down, waiting for them both to take a bite. "And, Danielle, do not even joke that boxed pasta is better," She warned, squinting her eyes ever so slightly. 

"You know what? I can't even joke that this is not good," Danielle said, taking another mouthful while Jaina didn't even speak, she just made very appreciative sounds. "So you cook, every night you said, right?" Stefania laughed quietly as she ate.

"I will make food at least once a week for you," Stefania said, Danielle responding with a little fist punch in the air. 

Oak and Friends:

Jaina O: Stefania makes the best food ever, I swear, if any of you scare her off, I will never forgive you

Jay H: When can I try it?!?

Jaina O: She said she'll cook for us once a week, well she said that to Danielle but you know...

Barrett D: I'll meet her first!

Jay H: I need to bring D's clothes back so I will thank you very much

Oak O: Can she make lasagne?

Jaina but her phone down and continued eating , very happily. 

"So, do your friends come over a lot?" 

"Not a lot, a lot. One usually comes over in the week and that's either Barrett or Jay but we do group things a couple times a month," Jaina explained. "But like I've said before, everyone is super chill,"

"Her boyfriend comes over a lot though," Danielle added.

"Yes, my... very gorgeous boyfriend. He should be coming over tomorrow or Tuesday actually," 

"Ah, okay. I do not have a lot of friends here because I have not been here for a really long time but you will see Gio and maybe my father,"

"Yeah, of course, it's completely fine to have whoever over. As long as you don't get too loud if it's late or early,"

"You say that, but then you're up until who knows what hour with Boris making... many noises," Danielle said, as she pushed her empty bowl away from her.

"You're just jealous," 

"Danielle, you just need to make, uh, the same noises back," Stefania said, nodding her head enthusiastically. 

"Okay, I'm not sure if you caught onto what noises it is they make," Danielle laughed. "They have very loud sex,"

"So you have very loud sex!" 

"That could get kind of weird," Jaina said as she stood up and went to wash up.

"Not like I have anyone to do that with anyway," Danielle mumbled but Stefania heard her.

"Self pleasure?"

"Okay, I'm not doing that!" Danielle laughed. "As in, I do but not to spite Jai,"

It was a jovial conversation but Stefania noted that Danielle had no one to have loud sex with. Because that also meant that she may need someone to have loud sex with. Not that she was going to let anything on. Jaina washed everything up and then all girls went to their respective rooms. Stefania still had some unpacking to do, Danielle was doing some job searching and Jaina was on the phone to Boris. And that was pretty much how the rest of the night went, paths occasionally crossing over when two went downstairs.

Monday morning arrived and both Danielle and Jaina took a moment to comprehend upon waking up that there was a very strong and beautiful scent of coffee wafting in the house. They opened their doors at the same time and comically looked at each other. 

"I love her," Jaina laughed. They heard some footsteps downstairs and the door shut which also meant it must of been early if Stefania only just left. 

"I might go back to sleep," Danielle said, slowly turning around, the coffee would still be there at eleven. Jaina, on the other hand, decided to head downstairs. On top of the stove was a metal jug thing that she had never seen before, two mugs set up next to it and a little post it that simply read 'Buorngiorno bellas :)'. She poured some of the hot liquid into a mug added, sugar and a splash of milk and took a sip. And, wow. it was good. She hadn't realised how sick she had become of instant coffee sachets.  The brunette made herself some breakfast and situated herself on the sofa, watching whatever came up on the television. 

A couple hours later and Danielle made her way downstairs. "I went back to sleep for at least two hours and it still smells so good. Damn, she's magic,"

"Of course you would say that," Jaina said, a little smirk on her face.

"You know what? Get it all out now. I've seen all the looks," Danielle said, bracing herself as she made her coffee.

"There's just this, chemistry or tension around you two. And you keep looking at her and doing that thing with your eyes, like you're making up scenarios in your head. And, obviously, we already know that she's nice but she seems a little nicer to you. That's all I'm saying," Jaina concluded, a  triumphant smile on her face. "Oh! And you both think the other is pretty,"

"That doesn't necessarily mean anything," Danielle shrugged as she walked over to her best friend, the warm mug on her hands. 

"Anyway, I don't even know if she likes girls,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now