Chapter Fifteen

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"Plus, she's very beautiful,"

The three women all got home and rushed inside to warm up, shaking off the cold air as they took their coats off. 

"Thank you again for coming in, both of you," Stefania said, gratitude evident in her voice as she took off her shoes.

"Of course, it wasn't a problem," Jaina replied. "And it would be great to come in again, like I said earlier,"

"Si, si. And Tuck will have your headshots printed next week,"

"If I knew I was doing that today, I would have put in more effort to how I looked," Jaina rolled her eyes considering how long Danielle actually took to get ready.

"Are you kidding?" Stefania gasped. "You look so good, and they came out so well, you saw them,"

"You think?"

"Yes!" It didn't help that Danielle also felt herself suddenly get very nervous as she stood against the white back drop with Stefania's eyes focused on her even though she was doing the exact same thing an hour prior. Jaina was fine, but Stefania... her heart rate was through the roof. "I can cook today?" Stefania offered as she walked into the kitchen and grabbed  a banana.

"You have the energy to cook after today?" Jaina asked, eyebrows raising in surprise.

"Si!" Stefania laughed. "You know, maybe I should teach you more about what foods can give you a lot of energy. Like this banana. You should eat more bananas," Jaina attempted to defend her point about how chocolate just tastes so much better but Stefania was not having it. Danielle stood to the side, on her phone when it started ringing. 

"Hey Barrett! What- woah, are you okay?" Jaina stopped talking mid sentence and looked over at her best friend who had a very concerned look on her face. "Yes, yeah, we're home... that's fine... yeah, I think she had it muted," Jaina checked her phone to indeed see a couple missed calls from Barrett. 

"Shit," Jaina muttered. 

"She is talking to your friend?"

"Uh, yeah," Jaina replied, trying to figure out what Barrett was possibly saying to Danielle.

"Okay, that's fine, honestly... I can come and meet you if you need?... Okay cool, we'll see you soon okay? Love you, Doss, bye," Danielle pulled her phone away and looked at Jaina. "Brett. I didn't get an awful lot out of what she said but I can tell she's been crying,"

"She's coming here?"

"Yeah, probably to stay the night as well. Sorry, this happens a lot," Danielle said, aiming the last bit at Stefania.

"That is okay, I can go up to my room?"

"No, no, this is your house as well,"

"Ah, okay. I can cook for her too, she likes, uh, meatballs?" Stefania asked as she opened the fridge and pulled out some mince, tomatoes and a few other things. 

"Oh yeah, Barrett is probably the least fussiest out of all of us," Jaina said nodding her head. "Wait, are you going to go and meet her then?"

"No, she said she's good, looking to get here in about twenty," Danielle said. "Thank goodness you bought ice cream the other day," Jaina looked down guiltily. "You've finished it?!" She didn't respond but the corners of her mouth turned up slightly. "Alright, I'm going to jog down to the store and get some Ben and Jerry's... for Barrett," Danielle said, putting on her trainers, she was fine to jog just a little in her jeans, it wasn't far. "Back in a minute," She shut the door and went off down the street, the cold air hitting her face as she made her way down the street. She quickly headed into the store, straight to the freezers and picked out two different flavours, paid, and headed straight back. It was good time for her. But who was actually counting. 

Danielle opened the door and was greeted by music playing, Jaina was jumping around near the sofa as Stefania danced around in the kitchen, apron around her waist while she made the meatballs. 

"What an atmosphere change," Danielle said with a small laugh. She discarded her jacket and trainers, again, and put the tubs in the freezer.

"Miss Danielle! You do not dance?" Stefania asked, walking around Danielle and shimmying her shoulders. Danielle just blushed as she watched her.

"Ah, maybe after a few drinks," She laughed nervously and walked over to the counter, picking at the chopped up tomatoes. 

"Hey!" Stefania, nudged her with her elbow. "Are you going to cut some more?" She asked, tilting her head to the side as she looked into Danielle's eyes. 

"I- uh wow," She was saved by the bell, literally, and grinned at Stefania as she quickly walked past and opened the door to reveal Barrett, watery eyes and soft smile. "Hi, B," She said quietly, holding her arms out for her to fall into. Jaina turned down the music and walked over, hugging Barrett as well. They walked in, Stefania now quiet as she continued making dinner. 

"Oh, you must be Stefania," Barrett said when she noticed her over in the kitchen. 

"Si, si. I would come shake your  hand, but..." She wiggled her fingers that were covered in ingredients. "This is for you as well," She said, nodding her head. 

"Oh wow, you are really nice," Barrett said with a small laugh as she kicked off her shoes and put her jacket on the rack. "You know what, Jay messaged me after he met you and he literally just kept saying how pretty you are and he's not wrong. If either of us were into girls, we'd be at war," 

"Oh, stop it," Stefania said, waving her hand in dismissal. Danielle realised that the way Barrett kind of slid that in conversation was much better compared to Jay's bluntness but hey, she did like girls and was not complaining. Barrett walked over to the kitchen and asked Stefania what she was making and it was nice for her mind to suddenly find a sense of calmness despite the reason she called in the first place. Jaina gave Danielle a look, they definitely chose a good room mate. They even just went to the sofa while Barrett and Stefania talked away, Barrett talking about her love for musical theatre, Stefania talking about her job. 

"It is going to cook for a bit then it will be done," Stefania said as they walked over to where the best friends were sat. Stefania sat on the arm chair and Barrett wiggled herself between Jaina and Danielle. 

"So, what's been going on?"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now