Chapter Thirty One

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"No, bella, don't be silly,"

Danielle watched Stefania as she pulled up Google Maps on her phone. She had her head tilted to the side as her eyes traced over her features. Eyes, nose, lips, jaw line. She could feel her mind beginning to wander and she wanted to just reach out and touch her.

"I can feel your eyes on me, you know," Stefania laughed as she looked at her phone screen. As the route was loading she got a message from Jaina. 

Jaina O: All set! (1 picture attachment)

And sure enough, there, on the kitchen counter, a bunch of flowers with the note she had pre written placed in front.

Stefania S: Thank you so so much!!

"Right," Stefania said, turning to Danielle. "Let's go. And before you say anything, no asking for clues. Just come with me,"

"Whatever you say, sweetheart," Danielle smiled, rolling her eyes playfully as she reached for Stefania's hand. "You didn't tell me how work was today?"

"Ah, it was good. Typical Thursday morning stuff. I actually need to speak to Jaina about something,"

"The dance routine?"

"No, no. We have a small vacancy coming up. It has not been posted anywhere yet but it's teaching a small dance class for children. I don't know if she likes kids but I thought I'd see if she's interested,"

"Oh yeah, Jaina loves kids," Danielle smiled, nodding her head. "The thought of just working at Royal Central would have her sold,"

"That's what I thought too," Stefania laughed softly. "And it does not require a lot of training and I can see that she can dance and choreograph and then I can also put in a good word for her," 

"Awh, yeah. That sounds awesome," They were walking down a long road lined with all types of shops. Vintage, leather, bagel bakery, artwork and many small cafes. "It's so cute down here," Danielle said as she looked through all the windows. They turned a corner and walked into a big square with even more establishments. 

"This is the one," Stefania said as she held the door open for Danielle. "Welcome to... I think an idea of your heaven," Danielle's eyes seemed to double in size as she looked around the shop. The walls were lined with football shirts and there were about eight long racks of football shirts and boxes of memorabilia and posters and she was in awe.

"What is this place?" She whispered, no idea of where she wanted to start first. "Why have I never heard of this before?" Stefania was in some sort of trance as she watched Danielle. Her smile was making her knees feel weak.

"Oh my gosh! Look at this one!" Danielle beamed as she pulled out a green one. "I love this colour,"

"Very pretty, Danielle," Stefania nodded. "Pick out your favourite one and I'll get it for you. They do personalisation as well," 

"No, I couldn't let you do that,"

"It's part of my date. I am doing that," Stefania said and by the tone of her voice, Danielle could tell that she wouldn't take no for an answer. 

"I might take a while," Danielle admitted as she continued searching through the shirts. 

"That's okay. Take all the time you need," Stefania smiled as she watched Danielle. The way she looked so happy made her heart swoon. She even thought about getting matching ones though maybe she could save that until they were official. She hoped that they would be. She could feel something really special with Danielle and she was not willing to throw that away. 


"Si! Spiacente," Stefania said when she realised Danielle was trying to get her attention. 

"You good?"

"Yes, yes. Just thinking about..."


"Nothing," She shook her head and laughed quietly. "Have you chosen?" Danielle proudly held out a Liverpool FC shirt.

"Isn't it pretty?" She smiled as she traced her finger over the orange detailing.

"Yes, very pretty," Stefania nodded but didn't really see exactly what Danielle was seeing. "It will look even prettier on you,"

"Oh hush," Danielle blushed and waved her hand in front of her face. 

"You want your name on the back?" 

"I'll pay for that, don't worry,"

"You do not listen very well, do you?" Stefania questioned as they walked up to the counter.

"Just this one?" Stefania nodded her head. "Do you want any personalisation?" The brunette looked at her date and tilted her head to the side. 

"Savre. S - A - V- R- E. And number 26, please,"

"Not a problem," The guy said as he made a note of it. "It will take about twenty minutes so come back then and it will be ready to pick up,"

"Thank you," Both said at the same time as they turned to leave the shop. Stefania led Danielle straight to another shop just a couple doors down. It had artwork on the walls and book shelves and cd's and a stage. And a photobooth. 

"Ah, yes! It is still here," The brunette pulled Danielle over to the photo booth and let her go inside first. They sat close on the seat and Stefania pressed a couple of bits on the screen until they heard the countdown. 

"Wait, what should we do?" Danielle laughed as the screen flashed. 

"Uh... just smile? I don't know," Stefania laughed but they were a little too late on deciding because the screen flashed and the first picture was done. "Okay, now we just smile," They got in close and smiled at the camera.

"Cute," Danielle smiled. "Okay, next one!" The blonde pointed finger guns at the screen and Stefania held up a peace sign. The flash went off again and the timer came back up.

"Bacimi," Stefania said, turning and pulling Danielle in for the last one. They were both smiling into the kiss as the flash went off. And though the flash went off and they had no pictures left, they still kissed. Stefania had her hands cupping Danielle's jaw and Danielle had one resting on Stefania's leg, the other on the back of her neck. In the already small booth, they tried to move closer together, breathing getting deeper. Stefania dropped one of her hands and put it over Danielle's and began to slowly move it up her leg. Danielle bit softly on her lip and then pulled away, eyes large as they looked into brown. 

"We should get the pictures," Stefania whispered, but in her head, she had very different plans. 

"Yeah," Danielle nodded her head slightly and dropped both of her hands, letting out a breath. "You need to leave first," She laughed when Stefania just stayed watching her. The brunette kind of snapped back into reality and left the booth, collecting the strips from outside. 

"Oh, we're so cute,"

A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you're all doing well and looking after yourselves where ever in the world you are. If you ever need someone to talk to, my insta is savre.anatomyy

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now