Chapter 45

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"Alright, let's start with the kiss!"

"It's just so weird!" Danielle said as she spoke to Jaina on the phone. She had just finished on set, everything was wrapped for the day and she was getting her things from her trailer. "I don't want her to ask about my day because I kind of have to bring this up, right?"

"Yeah. I mean, imagine if roles were reversed and she didn't tell you that she had to kiss someone and then it just popped up on your screen,"

"True, true. I'll mention it to her but there isn't really anything I can do," Danielle sighed as she grabbed her bag and put it on one shoulder. 

"At least you had a good day. I'm sure she'll be happy that you're happy," 

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm probably just getting myself worked up over nothing,"

"Oh my gosh, yeah. Don't work yourself up over it otherwise- hey Stefania... Yeah, I left at two... just talking to Danielle... on the phone. You're on your way back now, yeah?" Danielle felt her heart skip a little beat when she heard Stefania in the background. She really hoped this wouldn't mess anything up. 

"Just leaving my trailer now," She replied as she stepped down the two steps.

"We'll see you soon then? What like, thirty minutes?"

"Yeah, about that. See you both soon," Danielle hung up the phone and made her way home. If it wasn't for the fact that she felt really bad about having to kiss Caterina, she had a really brilliant day. It was actually something that she had thought about before when she was getting into television acting. The idea of having to kiss a fellow actor while being in a relationship and her hopeless romantic brain just came up with the idea that she would meet her future partner on set and they would be dating in real life too. Obviously, that wasn't happening now. 

As Danielle got to the door, she felt a little nervous but tried her best to push it away. It's not like she was actually cheating on her or anything. This was all work.

"Hey," Jaina said from the kitchen as she walked in. 

"Hey," Danielle replied as she kicked off her trainers and walked over to her best friend. 

"So... tell me about it. I know you said a bit on the phone but how was the rest of the cast?"

"Oh, really nice! Like I said, we just did the title sequence today and it was all good vibes. I think everyone is just really eager to get started as well,"

"That's great. I still can't believe you're working on a whole tv show," Jaina said, a big smile on her face as she proudly looked at her best friend. 

"I know! It's so crazy to think about," Danielle paused for a second. "Do you think anyone from home will see it?"

"Probably, yeah. You're going to have Kim reaching out to you again," Jaina laughed as Danielle rolled her eyes.

"No, as in like, family wise,"

"Oh," Jaina paused for a second and thought about it. "Maybe. They might see a trailer but that's still far in the future right?"

"Yeah, like November, December time,"

"You'll just have to kind of wait and see, I guess?"

"Maybe one of them would reach out if they see their daughter on television," Danielle shrugged as she thought about it. "But I don't really know what I would say to be honest,"

"Just know that my parents will be your number one fans. Aside from me. When you're actually allowed to tell everyone, because you messed that up already by telling us," Jaina said, clasping her hands together. "They'll be watching every episode,"

"Yeah, your parents are legends, we should have them come here again soon,"

"I'm not ready for that yet," Jaina laughed as she walked over to the living room.

"We could even go to them maybe?"

"See, I like that idea!" Danielle laughed as she opened the fridge and got out the carton of grapes that they always seemed to have nowadays. 

"Ah! I knew I heard my beautiful girlfriend," Stefania said as she appeared by the kitchen counter. "Hi, baby," She smiled as Danielle walked over to her and kissed her gently. 

"Hi," Danielle couldn't contain the smile even if she tried as she looked at Stefania. 

"I missed you today," Stefania confessed as she played with Danielle's fingers mindlessly. "How was it? I want all the details,"

"All the details?" Danielle questioned, dropping eye contact as the stem of the grapes suddenly looked very interesting. 

"All of them," Stefania smiled as she took a couple of grapes. 

"Let me go and change first, yeah?" Stefania nodded her head as Danielle went upstairs. 

"Was it not good?" Stefania asked as she walked over to Jaina.

"What do you mean?"

"She doesn't really seem that happy. She was really excited when she was showing me her trailer earlier but, I don't know. Maybe she's just tired and I'm reading into it too much,"

"You really know how she works." Jaina said, kind of impressed.

"I look at her a lot. Does that sound weird?" Jaina laughed and turned to look more at Stefania. "But I'm right then? Something is up?"

"She'll speak to you about it," Stefania groaned as possibilities ran through her head but she really wasn't sure what this could be about. She walked back into the kitchen to eat some more grapes as she waited for Danielle to come back down. But she was taking forever so Stefania just went up to ask her because the suspense was slowly killing her. 

"Yep!" Danielle called out from her room when Stefania knocked on it. 

"Something is wrong and you were taking too long to come back down," Stefania said as she walked in. 

"I never said that-"

"Don't even try to deny it. I know you too well," Danielle sighed and held her hand out, getting Stefania to sit on the bed. 

"It's more something I feel bad about but don't really... can't really," The blonde struggled to find her words. 

"I have no idea what you're trying to say here but you're making me a little nervous," Stefania crossed her legs and put both of her hands onto her lap as she watched her girlfriend. 

"I feel bad because, well I had to kiss Caterina today and it just, doesn't feel right,"

"Oh," Stefania couldn't deny that there was a little funny feeling in her chest. "Okay,"

"Okay? That's all,"

"You are playing each other's girlfriends. Sure, I didn't expect you to say that after the first day but I was mentally preparing myself anyway. As long as you brush your teeth or at least chew some gum before you kiss me," Stefania seemed oddly calm about it. 

"You're actually fine? So I was getting worked up over nothing?"

"No, not nothing because it felt kind of... odd hearing you say that," Stefania tapped on her chest lightly. "But, like I said. It's expected. We're not the only couple in the world in this situation, my love,"

"You're a bit perfect, you know?"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now