Chapter 18

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"I dare you,"

Stefania squinted her eyes, tilting her head down slightly. Jaina and Barrett watched intently, eyes darting back and before between the two of them.

"SONIC ALL STARS RACINGGGG!" Stefania jumped as the television began to role the intro, laughing as she turned away from Danielle, though she could feel the blue eyes still on her.

"Cosa? You want to get bitten? Are you into that?" Danielle pushed her tongue into cheek as she felt them heat up, forcing herself to keep her eyes focused up. 

"Maybe," She shrugged, not wanting to let anything out. 

"Only maybe? Perhaps I will help you know for sure," Stefania said, very calmly which baffled the blonde who felt her heart racing. 

"Okay... who's going first?"

"Me!" Stefania shouted, raising her hand with the controller clutched in it. At least she was good at this game, all three were impressed. At the end of the races, Stefania and Danielle were still safely in the lead, winning all the races. "Is there a forfeit for the losers?" Stefania asked as she walked over to the kitchen to get some grapes from the fridge.

"Intensely ridiculed," Jaina replied.

"That's what happens when you constantly refuse to be on my team," Danielle said in a sing songy voice, smile very clear on her face.

"Maybe there should be a forfeit," Stefania said as she sat on the sofa, now behind Danielle's head. "Like... a really strong shot. You have a lot of alcohol," 

"Yeah, do that!" Danielle agreed. She was very eager but also because she knew that she wouldn't lose. The next game was Minecraft and they would go head to head in random little challenges, such as who could build the best house in five minutes in creative mode, who could kill the most mobs in one night on survival, etc, etc. 

They took a minute to explain it to Stefania who sat eating her grapes as she listened. She looked down at Danielle and reached to gently tilt her head up so she was looking at her then lowered the bunch of grapes she had slowly to her mouth so she could get one.

"Thank you," Danielle smiled, her eyes widening as she looked at Barrett and Jaina. The butterflies were very active. They began playing, Danielle tilting her head back every now and then for more grapes, Stefania happily obliging. The evening progressed happily, laughter and teasing filled the room and at the end of it all, of course, Stefania and Danielle won. 

"We make such a good team!" Stefania grinned and had also returned so that was sat next to Danielle.

"Yeah, we do," Danielle smiled, as they high fived, both a little reluctant to let go. "And now we get to make some very potent shots," 

They both jumped and went to the kitchen while Barrett and Jaina watched from the counter, wincing at how gleeful Danielle seemed. She was pretty heavy handed when it came to alcohol anyway. Vodka, sambuca, tequila, pink gin and a splash of bourbon for good luck which was only really there for Oak. 

"Drink up," Danielle smiled, as she handed them both the glasses. 

"This would have been a bit more manageable if we were actually drinking tonight but we're not. I haven't even had a drop of alcohol today and now..."

"Stop making excuses and just drink,"

"Si! Tre, due, uno!" Both girls tipped the glasses back, Jaina swallowed it straight away, Barrett just kind of, held it in her mouth as she made a face then finally swallowed it because Jaina's reaction was about to make her laugh.

"Why didn't we have a chaser ready?" She raced round the counter to grab a can or bottle of anything from the fridge and took a few sips, handing the can of Red Bull that she found to Barrett who was reaching her hand out frantically. 

"Woo, fun," Barrett said deadpan, as she glared at Danielle who had the smuggest look on her face. "Are you two not going to do any shots?"

"I'll do vodka," Danielle was quick to pour herself one and looked at Stefania expectantly.

"Uh... the pretty pink one," Danielle put the pink gin a glass and gave it to Stefania, tapping them together then shotting them. The blonde took it like a pro, as always, Stefania however, was not a fan and had to stifle a cough. "I need a lime," She said, opening the fridge as she realised there was always a stock of limes in the house. "Do you know what I've seen?" She began as she cut the lime into wedges. "You know how people do uh... body shots at parties? I've seen when they take a shot and suck the lime but the lime is in another person's mouth," 

"Yeahhh, I used to do those all the time!" Jaina said, eyes lighting up at the memory. 

"I never tried it," She said as she put a lime wedge in her mouth.

"Try it now?" Jaina suggested as she looked over at Danielle who's eyes had gone wide when she realised what she was insinuating. 

"No, no, I am way too sober,"

"So, you want to be not sober?" There was a moment of silence where Stefania looked at the clock and also realised that she didn't have work the next day. 

"But I do not drink a lot so I do not want to over do it," Barrett and Jaina cheered and straight away put the alcohol bottles on the counter. Danielle blushed and excused herself to run upstairs to get the speaker. She could really kiss Stefania tonight. Or something along those lines anyway. She returned and was straight away handed another shot glass. This time sambuca. 

"This is... disgusting," Stefania remarked, pushing the little glass away from her. 

"I like sambuca," Barrett smiled, taking another shot. "Music please, Savre," Danielle connected her phone to the speaker, opened Spotify and found her 'Lads and Amigas' playlist, Rihanna's voice starting to fill the space. Jaina was happily making herself a vodka redbull, and Danielle, well Danielle felt her nerves sky rocketing because she knew Stefania was watching her. For a reason she could not figure out. So she did another vodka shot, quickly asking Stefania for a lime to suck on. Her reactions were a little slow as she found it kind of hot just, watching Danielle. 

"Do it like this," Stefania said, filling two glasses, one in her hand, the other in Danielle's, she linked their arms together, pulling her in a little more then quietly counted down so only they could hear. They both took the shot and laughed as they looked at each other, eyes burning into the other. Both could already feel the warmth spreading through their bodies which only seemed to be intensified the closer they were. Jaina and Barrett watched, Jaina pulling her phone out to record and sending it into the group chat. 

It seemed like an eternity they were looking into each others eyes, the music faded and the background blurred and someone moved. Someone moved in, just a little. 

Then a phone went off.


We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now