Chapter 14

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"Okay! Shall we begin!"

Stefania set a chair to the side for Danielle, tapping it so that she would come and sit down. 

"You can control the music for us," Stefania said, handing her phone to Danielle. "We just need from the beginning to 1:40,"

"Got it," Danielle said, looking up at Stefania and having to bite the inside of her cheek when she realised how close they were. If only she could brush away the hair that was hanging over her face. 

"Grazie, bella," Stefania smiled at her. Did it linger or was Danielle just imagining it? "I am already warm but you need to warm up a little," Stefania said as she walked over to Jaina. "Uh, Danielle? Please put on a good and upbeat song," Danielle nodded and opened the search bar of Spotify, typing in Ariana Grande. Whichever came up first would be fine. "Just copy me, si?"

Jaina nodded as Stefania stood with her back to the mirror, Jaina opposite her and began with some stretches, gentle cardio. Both girls could already see how great of a teacher Stefania is, they already knew how good she was at commanding spaces. Even though they weren't scheduled to be in the space for a long time, Stefania didn't want to risk an injury that could easily be prevented. They finished warming up and Danielle changed back to the original song. 

"Okay, I know I have shown you the video of me doing it, but I will show you again now," Jaina moved over to the side as Stefania took to the centre. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail, a certain pair of blue eyes watching her intently. "Danielle," She suddenly realised that she was being stared at through the mirror and blushed, Stefania nodded her head and she pressed play. She moved with ease, familiar with the space and the music, she looked... beautiful. Jaina watched with intent, making sure she knew each move, the fluidity of it. Danielle was in a trance. 

"It is very good that she doesn't want to be a DJ," Stefania laughed, Danielle focusing back in on reality for the second time in ten minutes.

"My bad!" She said with a smile, pressing pause. The two dancers began to figure the choreo out, trying different things here and there while Danielle watched. An hour passed and they had both worked up a sweat.

"Okay, we will break and then do it again and then film it and we should be done," Stefania held up her hand for Jaina to hit then walked over to the desk to drink some water, smiling at Danielle as she passed. "There is a water dispenser in the cupboard behind the curtains," Stefania said, motioning towards the corner. Jaina walked over and got a cup of water, taking a deep breathe as she walked out.

"And you do this everyday?" Jaina asked, one hand resting on her hip.

"Well, yes. But different things. Sometimes it is not too much for me if I am at the end of teaching a routine. You are doing very well," She praised, clicking the lid on her water and walking back over the centre, moving around from foot to foot. "And you too Danielle,"

"Thanks, this is really hard work," She replied sarcastically from the chair. Jaina and Stefania ran through the routine a couple more times then Stefania pulled out a different phone and set it up to record them. One as a solo, one with Jaina. She recorded with Jaina first then got back into position straight away. Jaina went and crouched against the wall next to Danielle as Stefania danced.

"This is fun, I wouldn't mind doing this some more," Jaina said quietly.

"Oh yeah, this is great," Danielle said, a small smirk on her face. 

"You're crushing, crushing," Jaina teased, nudging her with her elbow. 

"I don't even think I can deny it at this point. She's just so... entrancing," Danielle admitted, tilting her head to the side as her eyes remained on Stefania. 

"Are you going to make a move?"

"Uh..." Danielle rubbed her forehead as she thought about it. "I haven't really thought that far ahead yet," Before she could say anything else, Stefania finished dancing, picked up the phone and span around on her heel, a big smile on her face. 

"Ah! That was so good!" She beamed as she walked over to the two. "You need to come in more often," 

"I'd love to, honestly," Jaina replied, pushing herself up so she was standing. 

"I am going to change out of these," Stefania began, motioning down to her outfit. "Then, I can give you both a quick tour. Because it is Friday, it is quite empty," Both girls nodded their heads. "Buono, I will be right back," Stefania walked out of the studio, leaving the two best friends alone again. 

"You should learn to dance and then do a really  up close and personal routine with her and just let the chemistry shine," Jaina said. "Or offer to help her stretch," She added, winking really badly.

"I'm so used to picking up girls when I've been drinking," Danielle sighed as she stood up and walked in front of the mirrors, fixing her jumper. "So I need to think about it, test the waters a little,"

"Well, whatever you need to do, I will happily be of assistance. I saw the way you were watching her, your eyes have a very strong power about them," Jaina said, letting her hair out of the loose bun she had thrown it up in. Danielle tilted her head to the side in thought, a small smile gracing her face. Stefania walked back in with their belongings over her arm. 

"Here," She said, holding her arm out. "So we don't need to come back up here," She had changed into a pair of black jeans a pale pink top, her hair back to a messy side parting. "I will show you the main theatre space, some of the music studios and photography," She explained as she turned the lights off. "It can be a little confusing so don't wander off anywhere,"

"Gotcha," Jaina said as they made their way to a different door than what they originally came through. Down one flight of stairs to a row or more studios. turning a corner and there was a a large, tinted window with a microphone stand. 

"We're not going to go inside here just because it is so expensive but these are very cool," Stefania said turning around and going through another set of doors. She led them to a back door and into another building. "Go through that door," Stefania said, pointing ahead as she pressed some buttons on the side. They walked into a massive auditorium. Red, cushioned seats facing a grand stage with everything you would expect in a normal theatre. Danielle went straight in the middle and looked up, raising her arms dramatically. 

"We have all of our showcases in here," Stefania explained, leaning against the wall. 

"It's massive," Jaina said, walking up to the top row. "And there's all the sound and light tech stuff, woah," She said, more so to herself as she peered over a ledge at the top. They spent a couple more minutes looking around in awe then followed Stefania back into the other building, down a different hallway until they were at the photography department, which was clear as there were pictures with students named lined all over the walls. 

"Tuck is usually always here later than most on Friday because it is quiet. He is the one who is doing his portfolio," Stefania said, peering into the windows of the different rooms. And sure enough, when she opened one of the last doors, there was a teenage boy in the middle of the room, stood by a large desk which had one light shining on it and a capri sun in the middle.

"Stefania!" He said with a smile when he noticed someone had entered, bashfully lowering his head when he realised that she wasn't alone. "Oh, this isn't serious work," He said, picking up the capri sun and turning on the main lights.

"I'm sure it is good work," Stefania said, making Tuck smile. "These are my friends, Jaina and Danielle," She said, motioning to the both of them.

"Hi," He said, waving a little. 

"I was showing them around and Miss Danielle here, saw your poster for head shots and I think she would be really good for your portfolio," Tuck perked up at what she said.

"Oh yes! That would be great, I need some new faces," He said excitedly.

"I know," Stefania said, a smile on her face as she looked over at Danielle.

"Plus, she's very beautiful,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now