Chapter Thirty Five

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"There's a very gorgeous Italian waiting for me to get back into bed with her,"

Danielle took a deep breathe as she walked into the place that the castings were taking place, she had come prepared but the nerves always made an appearance. She walked through and entered a room with a few other people that looked, more or less, like her. Blonde, past the shoulder hair, blue eyes, look like they workout. She sat down and pulled out her phone, seeing a message from Stefania. 

SS: Best of luck, bella! You will be amazing :)

Danielle smiled down at her phone and sent her a couple of hearts and watched as one girl was called into the main room as one left, looking like she was about to cry. It hadn't been specified who she would be reading the script she was given with, but if that girl was on the verge of tears, she was expecting the atmosphere to be rough in the room. 

About twenty minutes later and a lady walked out of the room, seeming very impressed with herself and then Danielle's name was called. She made sure her phone was muted as she took another deep breathe and walked through the doors. 

"Hi, Danielle, it's nice to meet you. My name is Matt, this is Lucy and this is Caterina," They went on to introduce themselves all a bit and what their role is in this new and upcoming pilot series. Caterina was the lead and Danielle was playing the role of her girlfriend. In her opinion, they all seemed rather nice.

"Okay, so if you want to take your mark and when you're ready, you and Caterina can run through the script we gave you,"

"Perfect," Danielle smiled as she walked back onto the 'x' and Caterina came and stood next to her, wiggling her eyebrows playfully. From reading the extract she was given, Danielle had gathered that her character and Caterina's had been together for a few months and were at a crossroads on the next step of their relationship. Caterina's character had just been offered a new job but she would have to move and the series would basically be about their life. Taking on board that they had been dating for a while, Danielle got into character and slipped her hand into Caterina's.

"Come on, babe! This is a great opportunity! I don't know why you're even thinking about it,"

"Because... I don't know what this means for us," 

They continued the scene bouncing off of each other's energy and already seeming to find a great dynamic and rhythm between the two of them.

"Ah! That was great!" Matt clapped his hands together while Lucy nodded her head enthusiastically next to him. "Caterina?"

"Yeah, that was really good. I like the energy I felt with you," She said, smiling and nodding her head as she walked back to her seat. 

"How did you find that, Danielle?" 

"It felt really natural, actually, yeah. It was good,"

"Amazing, amazing," The three of them all jotted down a couple of notes and then looked back up at her. "Well, I'll be in contact with the successful applicant at the end of the day. If you don't hear from me by midnight, then unfortunately, you weren't successful, but I'll tell you this. Make sure you have your ringer on loud. If you are successful, I'll run through the next steps with you on the phone. Other than that, you're all done here. Any questions?"

"Nope, all good! Thank you again," Danielle said as she gave them all a wave and walked out. She felt good. She could feel it in her gut that she had just received a pretty good response. She also knew that the wait for the phone call was about to be agonising but that could easily be turned into gym motivation which is exactly where she was headed next.

A couple of hours later, and Danielle got home, kicking her trainers off and sighing loudly. 

"You know how to make an entrance!" Jaina called out from the sofa. "How was the casting?"

"It went well," Danielle said as she walked over to the kitchen. "The main guy said to make sure my ringer is on loud and he'll let whoever know by midnight,"

"So we'll be celebrating?" Jaina asked, jumping up from the sofa and dancing her way over to her best friend. 

"You know I don't get my hopes up for these things,"

"But they are a little up, right?"

"Yeah, they are!" Danielle laughed as she started to shake up her protein shake. 

"Oh, and Barrett is coming over for a bit later so this might tie in really nicely," 

"Maybe, maybe. We'll have to see. I only told you and Stefania about the casting anyway,"

"Ah, my mistake, you're going to be celebrating with Stefania,"

"No! Of course with you and Barrett as well," Jaina raised an eyebrow and Danielle got what she was getting at. "Oh. Oh, yeah. Stefania and I will celebrate privately,"

"How is your neck and chest and wherever else she may have gotten to?"

"Well, they're healing so they probably look worse now than they did yesterday but it's all good," Danielle smiled as she rinsed out her cup. "I'm just going to shower off that workout and I'll be back down, I feel like we haven't had a proper conversation recently,"

"Sounds good Savre!" Jaina said as she grabbed a bag of Doritos and went back over to the sofa. Danielle stripped down upstairs and walked into the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror and laughing softly at the state of her body. She felt like an overly hormonal teenager with the amount of hickies she had littering her skin. That wasn't to say that she didn't want more and to give Stefania some. Though Stefania had to be a little more careful. Danielle showered, feeling any aches leave her joints and wrapped a towel around her body as she made the quick walk back over to her bedroom. 

Just as Stefania came up the stairs. 

"Showered without me?" She teased, pausing on the top step and looking up at Danielle.

"You turned into a fifteen year old fuck boy today?" Danielle asked as she gripped the top of her towel with one hand and leant down a little to kiss Stefania. 

"If it means I get to see you naked again? Then yes,"

"Nice try, angel face," Danielle whispered, tapping her cheek lightly. "Maybe later if we're celebrating,"

"Your casting went well?" Stefania asked as she walked over to her door. 

"I think so, yeah. Barrett is coming over in a bit just because but hopefully, the good news will come in,"

"I'm sure you were amazing," Stefania smiled, tilting her head to the side as she shifted her bag on the shoulder. "Okay, come give me another kiss before you put some clothes on," Danielle rolled her eyes as Stefania beckoned her with two fingers, but of course she wasn't going to say no. 

"Much better,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now