Chapter Five

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"Ciao, I'm Stefania,"

Jaina and Danielle both turned their attention to Stefania, who stood with a smile on her face.

"Hi," Jaina smiled in return, giving the same introductions. The three girls began to walk back to the house, small talk taking place easily. 

"Thank you again for changing the timing. Really, thank you. There was a mix up at the place I work at with scheduling," Stefania said with appreciation.

"It's not a problem, we both have very flexible schedules," Jaina said as they came up to the door. Danielle entered first, so far feeling impartial to Stefania. 

"Oh wow, your place is so beautiful," Stefania gasped as soon as they set foot inside. They began to look around, again showing the garden before they went up. "My kid brother can garden," She mentioned. "Maybe I'll drag him over one day,"

"That will probably take more than one person," Danielle said with a laugh, stood on the steps. 

"Ah yes, well, he is a very hard worker," They reached the top floor and showed Stefania her potential room, Jaina pulled Danielle to the side. 

"I like her," She whispered, nodding her excitedly. 

"Yeah, she's nice," Danielle replied, still just neutral though, she felt something that she couldn't quite place her finger on but it was probably nothing. The three went back downstairs and this whole experience seemed to go a lot smoother than the previous two. Jaina went through the rent and then how chores are split up and so forth. Stefania was very attentive, nodding her head at everything. 

"Do you have any questions?"

"Uh, si. What is the closest gym to here? I tend to go quite a bit so I can decide if I should start one near here or near work,"

"Well, you haven't got the room just yet," Danielle replied with an awkward laugh. Jaina just shot her a look. "But yeah, the one I go to is only 12 minutes walk away, not pricey either,"

"Ah, okay," Stefania nodded her head. "I am new to around here,"

"I picked up your accent. Italian?" Jaina asked.

"Si, yes! Italian," 

"We've always wanted to go to Italy but we just haven't,"

"Well, yes. You should go, it is very lovely there," Stefania replied with a smile.

"If that's all, we'll be in touch by the weekend," Jaina said, standing up and walking towards the door. 

"Lovely, thank you so much again," Stefania said as she zipped up her jacket. "Bye,"

"Bye!" Both Danielle and Jaina chimed at the same time. 

"See?" Jaina smiled, facing Danielle.

"Yeah, she's nice," Danielle said. "Pretty," She added.

"I thought so too. And, her brother might come and do the garden so she's currently number one!"

"Out of a potential two," Danielle added, shaking her head. "Just one more of these things then we're done,"

"Yep. Sam Bello on Friday at..." Jaina pulled out her phone to check. "Ten thirty,"


"Well, thank you so much for coming Sam, nice to meet you,"

"You too, bye,"

Jaina and Danielle shut the door and looked at each other. 

"On three. One, two, three,"




"What do you mean, Sam?" Jaina asked, completely perplexed by her best friends answer.

"I don't know, I just kind of liked her more," Danielle shrugged. "Why Stefania?"

"I felt really drawn to her. I don't know why,"

"Because her brother will do the garden?" Danielle suggested.

"Okay, that is a plus, however, I feel like we'd get on well with Stefania, seems more outgoing and I think she'll like our friends,"

"Hm, you have a point there," Danielle agreed. She loved her friend group, no end, but she also knew the antics that they can get up to. Sam seemed a little too soft and innocent and gentle. 

"So, Stefania?" Jaina asked, a hint of joy in her voice. 

"Let me think just a little bit more," Danielle said, after all, she would be living with this person at the end of the day. "Well..."

"Woah! Lot's of thinking!"

"You came to this conclusion so quickly, how?"

"I don't know, I just decided. You have the tendency to over think a lot,"

"But this is a room mate, how could you not over think it?"

"Well, yeah. But also, I just got a vibe from her that seemed a little better than with Sam. You, my dearest, Danielle," Jaina sighed, jokingly placing her hand on Danielle's shoulder. "Are a bit cold so don't have connections with humans,"

"Oh shut up," Danielle said, feigning offence. 

"But that's okay. People have broken your trust, you've been hurt and-"

"Alright, that is enough! I am not about to have an impromptu therapy session thank you very much,"

"Okay, okay," Jaina said, holding her hands up in defence. "Just let me know your decision by the end of the day," The girls spent the rest of the day doing their own individual things, Danielle was at the gym as per usual, Jaina ran a couple of errands but their schedules ended up lining up perfectly so that they were both home at seven. 

"Do you have plans tonight?" Danielle asked Jaina.

"Nope, Boris is working and the group chat has been kind of quiet. You?"

"I'm in the same boat as you,"

"Pizza?" Jaina asked, a smile beginning to grace her face.

"Board games?"

"And I brought fresh limes today as well!" 

"I love us!" Danielle laughed as they high fived. "I'm going to shower first, then we can fight over what pizza to get,"

Danielle jogged upstairs to shower, stripping off and flexing in the mirror, always impressed by the work that she has put into her body. She used to hate herself a long time ago, back in her teenage years, but she put in the work, and yes, got her heart broken a couple times which kind of aided the fuel behind her self love. She always danced around the idea of writing a book about her self discovery, because herself and most of friends can all say the same thing about how it was a great journey, but she also took into consideration that she didn't have a fan base of any sort that would be interested in reading about it. That's what she thinks anyway, there are still some negative behaviours that she holds over herself and that sometimes come into play at the back of her mind. She's okay. She's more than. She showered, and headed back downstairs, ready to beat her friend and whichever games they decided to play. But she also took the time to actually think about who she wanted as a new room mate. Very much a thing of back and forth.

"Before, we start... have you made up your mind? Sam or Stefania?" Jaina asked, pulling up UberEats on her phone.

"In actual fact, I have decided,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now