Chapter Seven

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"Hola amigos! Let's get drunk!"

"Whose phone is that?" Danielle groaned as she lay next to Barrett on the floor of the living room, eyes heavy with sleep and head a little bleary. 

"Turn it off. Please," Barrett croaked, covering her ears with her hands. Danielle managed to push herself up, eyes squinting as she searched for the phone. Her eyes did however, land on Jay who was half hanging off of the sofa in a pair of her shorts which she clearly did not remember her ever giving him. The phone continued to ring until Danielle found it underneath a cushion. 

"Jaina? Your phone," She barely managed to speak as she looked around the room for her best friend. She looked down at the screen and her eyes widened a little. 


"Oh, hello!" Danielle moved the phone from her ear, too loud, too early. "I have misplaced your address, well, my address now, and will be on my way any minute. Could you just tell me it again please?" It took a second for Danielle to process the request. What time was it?

"Oh yeah, sure," She listed their address and then hung up, squinting as she looked at the time. It was definitely a lot later than anticipated. Barrett had fallen back to sleep and Jay hadn't even moved. She could vaguely remember Oak and Grey getting into an Uber early hours of the morning so didn't need to worry about their whereabouts. Jaina was most likely upstairs. So she slowly headed up and quietly knocked on her bedroom door, pushing it slightly open. Her eyes focused on the bed where both Jaina and Boris were knocked out asleep... naked. 

"Oh gosh," Danielle whispered, quickly turning away. All she could think to herself was that was very gay. But good for Jaina. "Jaina," She whisper shouted from outside. "Jaina. Wake up. Get your sheets on your man... please. Jaina,"

"Jaina, your friend is calling you," Boris mumbled.

"Cover up please," Danielle quickly said when she heard a voice into which a quick movement could be heard from the bedroom. 

"Huh?" Jaina shot up, clearly confused by the sudden disturbance. 

"It's just gone twelve," Danielle said, but Jaina just flopped back down. "It's Saturday," It took a second but then Jaina remembered what was happening. 

"Oh shit," She whispered, rolling out of bed and pulling one of Boris's t-shirts that she had accumulated a collection of. "Is it messy downstairs?" She asked as she walked out of her room, leaving Boris on the bed. 

"I didn't really look. Your phone woke me up because she lost our address. Jay is wearing my shorts. When did that happen?"

"Um... not a clue," Jaina shook her head as they walked downstairs. Upon initial view, the place didn't look too bad. A lot of empty bottles and cups. The counter had a half eaten tub of salsa on it with one tortilla chip sticking out of it, many juiced out lime wedges and McDonald's fry cartons and burger wrappers. Neither best friend could figure out who ordered that. 

"It shouldn't take too long to tidy," Danielle commented, picking up a couple of stray cushions and chucking them on the sofa, momentarily forgetting about Jay on it. 

"Woah! What the-"

"Shut up," Barrett groaned from the ground. Jay tried to turn on the sofa to see what hit him but ended up just falling off with a thud. 


"Guys, you can't stay for too much longer. Our new room mate is getting here in like, an hour," Jaina said, folding up a blanket that was strewn on the floor. 

"She might as well get used to us," Jay said, using the sofa to pull himself up. "These are nice shorts. Make my butt look good," He said twisting around, trying to catch his reflection in anything. 

"They're mine. And yes, but no. Let her move in in peace at least," Danielle said, walking over to Barrett and nudging her with her foot. 

"I'm awake, I'm awake," She rolled over onto her back and looked up at the ceiling. "Do you guys have any coffee, please?"

"Yeah, I'll get some ready, you two just, get up and at least a little ready," Jaina said, motioning for Danielle to start cleaning as their friends looked around for clothing.

"Where's any of my clothing?" Jay asked, walking around in a circle. 

"Check the group chat," Danielle said, giggling a little as she scrolled through her phone.

Oak and Friends:

Grey: Why do I have all of Jay's clothes??????

"You know what, I don't think I'm even going to question what happened last night. All I know, is that I now get to go home in these scrumptious shorts," Jay said, wiggling his hips. 

"It's freezing outside." 

"I don't care, I look good,"

"I expect these back washed and ironed,"

"Of course, my dearest. May I also have a hoodie please?" He asked, making his eyes wide. Danielle just glared at him but still went up to grab a hoodie for him, chucking it at his head as she walked back down the stairs. Jaina walked back over with a mug in her hands.

"Mugs are on the counter, you know the drill because you're all too fussy for me to make your own individual one's,"

"Thank you. But I also think that's wise as you like black coffee," Jay said, walking over to the kitchen. Barrett slowly made her way over to where Jay was and opened the fridge. 

"Why are my glasses on the milk?" She questioned, pulling the milk out and just staring at it in confusion. Jay looked over at her and let out a laugh. 

"You can't even say that the milk has gone bad because it just looks nerdy," He laughed, putting sugar into his mug. Barrett simply put them on her face and made her own coffee, sighing happily after the first sip. 

"Oh, that's so much better," She sighed. "When was it you needed us out?" She asked as she walked back over to Danielle and Jaina.

"One. She's looking to get here between one and one thirty," Jaina replied, setting her coffee down to pick up some rubbish. 

"Hopefully she likes us," Jay said, sitting down on the sofa to have Danielle nudge him off because she just fixed it up. "She can join the next night like this we have,"

"We'll let her settle in and maybe introduce you all one by one. She might even have friends she'll have over as well," Jaina said. "But like I said before, she seems really nice," 

The next half hour was spent tidying and making sure everything was ready, Boris made an appearance, awkwardly glancing at Danielle who just nodded at him. Jay and Barrett left together, thanking the girls for having them, as per usual and Boris left not so long afterwards. Danielle and Jaina sat in the living room, after both having quick showers and changing, waiting for the doorbell to go off. And then it did. Jaina was up first, Danielle not too far behind. 


We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now