Chapter One

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"We cannot afford it!"

"Yes. We. Can,"

"We are both freelance actors. The money we got from Walmart isn't going to last forever, you know?" Jaina stood with her hands on her hips, head tilted to the side as she stared at her very stubborn best friend of 13 years.

"I know, I know," Danielle sighed, running a hand through her hair. "You would think that doing an advert for Walmart would get us more jobs though. Especially as it's around Christmas,"

"Unfortunately, that is not the case. And do not even try to say that your 'personal trainer' gig gets you anything. It's basically that one guy who thinks your hot,"

"I wasn't going to. I didn't even start that, he just asked and I said yes because money. No one gets hurt," Danielle cut her eye at Jaina as she flopped back on the sofa. "Anyway, that just helps me fund my-"

"Obsession with English football shirts?"

"Jaina! No. That's not an obsession, it's a... love. I was going to say that it helps me fund all my workout stuff,"

"Okay, that doesn't help the fact that we need a new room mate,"

"But, I don't want one," Jaina glared at Danielle who was unaware as she idly stared at the ceiling. "It's so much fun when it's just us. How it's meant to be. I just keep thinking about when were like, seventeen, and talking about living together and how cool it would be,"

"We are living together. We have been for almost three years,"

"With someone else. Don't get me wrong, Leah was lovely but it's just not how I envisioned our future,"

"Danielle, you're starting to sound like we're dating. Come on! We've had the past two months of just us and it's been great but how can we save up for another holiday if we are paying more rent that can easily be spilt again?" Jaina walked over to the sofa and lifted up Danielle's legs so that she could sit, letting her keep them on her lap.

"It would be easier if we were dating," Danielle mumbled. "We're basically perfect for each other. We want the exact same things in life and we already get along so well!"

"While I do love you, we have already established that I do not like girls,"

"Yeah, no need to rub it in," There was a moment of silence as Danielle weighed up the pros and cons of having a new room mate. "Is Boris coming over later?"

"Yes, he is," Jaina replied, a smile creeping up on her face at the thought of him.

"It's been eight months, how are you still in the honeymoon phase?!" Danielle groaned, swinging her legs off of Jaina.

"Don't be such a grump, you'll find the one soon. I know it," Jaina patted her best friend gently. "But anyway... where do you want to advertise for a room mate?"

"Before I agree to anything," Danielle began, standing up and grabbing an old envelope on the side and a pen. "Let's just go through the pros and the cons,"

"Really?" Danielle shot Jaina and look that said it all to be honest because she just let out a sigh and moved forward to see what Danielle was about to write.

"Okay so, pros," Danielle begun. "Hm..."

"Less rent for us," Jaina said deadpan, unamused at Danielle's over exaggerated thinking. "Less chores and less bills,"

"But they might be messy, ignorant, have too many people over, try and jeopardise our friendship! You just don't know, it's too risky. Let's not do it. I really think we can turn the spare room into something special. I know that right now, it's just, kind of a barren, but we can renovate. Make it a walk in wardrobe or a mini gym or a studio. The possibilities are endless! ,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now