Chapter 20

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"Everything is okay,"

The four got comfortable, lights dimmed, popcorn warmed and overall majority voted for Unfriended, though Stefania and Jaina did seem a little sceptical as it begun. Barrett and Danielle on the other hand, didn't move their eyes from the screen, laughing when either of the other two would flinch. 

Barrett was on the arm chair, Jaina and Stefania on either ends of the sofa and Danielle sat on the floor, which she preferred anyway. She kept giggling throughout when she felt someone behind her flinch, a little jolt. At one moment, Stefania accidentally kicked out her foot, kicking Danielle in the back.

"Um... ouch," Danielle turned and glared at Stefania. 

"Spiacente," Stefania replied, a little pout on her face. "Come here," She sat on the edge of the sofa and made space for Danielle between her legs then started to give her a shoulder massage. Though it didn't last that long because she jumped again and had to resort back to clutching a pillow to hide her face. The blonde suddenly had a new favourite masseuse though. 

"We really couldn't just watch, I don't know, Pitch Perfect? There's literally three to pick from,"

"Nope," Barrett replied happily as she ate more popcorn. 

"I'm going to the toilet," Jaina announced, standing up.

"Should I pause it?"

"Gosh, no," She sighed as she walked off. Stefania started staring at Barrett to try and get her attention which worked after she cleared her throat a couple of times. She moved her eyes back and forth from the sofa and Danielle, insinuating that she wanted Danielle to sit next to her. Barrett just nodded her head, giving a little thumbs up. Stefania shrugged her shoulders, unsure of how and Barrett made a little grabby hand action. 

So she took a breathe, then leaned down so her arms were draped over Danielle's shoulders, Barrett now much more invested in the two of them rather than the movie. Danielle twisted her head a little to look at her. 


"Come up," Stefania whispered, pulling a little on her shoulders. Of course Danielle wasn't going to say no, so pushed herself up onto the sofa, a little surprised when Stefania moved and came to cuddle into her side. But of course, no complaints there. Barrett winked at Stefania who had a shy smile on her face then returned her attention to the screen.  The blonde took a moment of debating her next move and decided to wrap an arm around Stefania, pulling her in a little closer. Every time Stefania jumped, Danielle would give her a comforting little squeeze and now she was more than happy that they chose this film. 

Jaina walked back to the living room and was about to say something about Danielle being in her seat but then she saw how cute the two of them looked on the sofa and decided to let them be, opting for the floor spot. The movie finally came to an end, Danielle went to stretch up but realised that Stefania had become a lot more heavier in her side, because she had drifted off. 

"Aw," Danielle whispered, pushing her bottom lip and looking at Jaina with wide eyes. 

"She is used to sleeping earlier than us," Jaina said as she took the empty popcorn bowls into the kitchen. Barrett followed her, carrying a couple of discarded cups. 

"Stefania," Danielle whispered, tapping her shoulder lightly. "Movie's over," Stefania stirred a little and opened her eyes, looking up at Danielle. She felt herself almost fall into a trance as she gazed into those blue, blue eyes and had to stop herself from reaching up and holding her face.

"Baciami," She mumbled, soft smile on her face but of course, Danielle didn't understand what that word meant. She wished that she did. And if she were to learn what it meant, then she would really wish that she knew Italian. "Sorry," She said as she sat up, stretching her arms up above her head. She walked over to the kitchen, passing Barrett who slyly squeezed her hand and got some water. 

"I need to learn Italian," Danielle sighed, looking at Barrett. "She could really be saying anything to me and I have no idea. What if she just asked me to kiss her and I just looked all blank,"

"What did she say?"

"Shit. Uh... ba-emy? I can't remember but it just looked like she was saying something, not just saying she's tired or something,"

"Time to download Duolingo, my friend," Barrett smiled. She loved being in the know. 

"I think I'm going to go bed now, I am so tired," Stefania announced, yawning as she walked back over to the living room. "This was really nice actually, even though that movie... sucked. Barrett, again, lovely to meet you," She waved her hand and went upstairs, they heard a door shut which was Danielle's cue to dramatically throw herself around the sofa. 

"Yes, Danielle? Something on your mind?"

"Why didn't I kiss her?" She groaned, holding her head in her hands though she also knew why she didn't, at least earlier on in the day. "She's just... precious,"

"She is a sweetheart," Barrett added, trying not to laugh at how worked up Danielle was getting.

"Go kiss her now," Jaina said directly. "Because I know that I will not hear the end of this,"

"She's gone to bed," Almost on cue, they heard the door open again upstairs and footsteps heading to the bathroom. Jaina tilted her head and Danielle felt her heart race.

"No. I can't. I told you. I want it to be just... magical. I can feel it with her," Danielle pulled out her phone to distract herself, aimlessly scrolling through Instagram. 

"You can't always have it the way you want though. Seize the moment and all of that," 

"Well, the moment is not now," Danielle replied, getting a little annoyed. "You saw the way she ran off after earlier as well, and we already established, we're not 100 percent certain if she actually likes girls. And I can already feel that if I did kiss her, I would want to a lot more and not just in my bed but holding her hand as we walked down the street or in a restaurant or if I went to pick her up at Royal Central with flowers," She smiled as she thought about all of these scenarios. "So no, the moment is not now,"

"Such a romantic,"

This chapter is dedicated to Mella :)

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now