Chapter 34

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"Let me see those pretty eyes,"

Stefania pushed the covers above her head as she moved up Danielle's body from where she had been between her legs. She smirked as she felt the blondes legs still shaking, her hands gripping the sheets. 

"Fuck, Stefania," Danielle breathed out as she gathered her breathe. "I said I couldn't take anymore,"

"But you did," Stefania smirked as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and leant down to kiss Danielle. "Is that you telling me enough for tonight?" She teased, slowly dragging a finger over Danielle's heated skin. 

"Mhm," She sleepily nodded her head and patted the space next to her for Stefania to lay down. She got comfortable, head resting on her hand as she put one leg over Danielle, gently running it up and down her calve. "Baciami," Danielle whispered after a few moments of staring into each other's eyes. Stefania smiled, kind of proud that she had actually gotten the pronunciation correct and moved forward a little to kiss her. Soft and slow, hands tracing patterns. It was bliss. 

They pulled away and Stefania let her eyes wander again, needing to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing when she realised just how many marks she'd left on her skin. 

"I'm not even sorry," She giggled as she lightly ran a finger over them. Danielle, stuck her tongue in her cheek and rolled her eyes. 

"I- well, yeah, I'm not even mad," She sighed. "Next time, I'm making sure you have double,"

"Oh, so there's going to be a next time?" Stefania questioned, tilting her head to the side with an amused look on her face.

"Yes," Danielle replied, very confidently. "There's many... many things that I want to do to you," She said in a hushed voice, leaning forward so their noses brushed. 

"Hm, I look forward to it," Stefania smiled as she brought their lips together again. She wasn't going to get tired of this any time soon. 

Danielle scrunched up her nose and squinted her eyes as she woke up, there was a bright light coming from somewhere and she was not welcoming it well. She barely lifted her head up to see the window when she realised she wasn't in her bed. 

"Bourngiornio, bella," Stefania said from beside her who looked like she had been up for a few hours already. She was sat up, wearing a grey t-shirt, hair falling about all over the place and her laptop open in front of her. 

"Why is it so bright?" Danielle asked, burrowing her face into the cushion.

"I opened the curtain, spiacente," Stefania said, laughing softly as she moved to close it. "Better?"

"Yeah, thanks," Danielle mumbled, sleep lacing her voice. Clearly, she wasn't ready to come to life yet and when she went to move, she felt her body aching. "How long have you been awake?" She asked turning onto her back and pulling the covers up to her chin. 

"Ah, only a couple of hours. You are a really deep sleeper, I dropped one of my books and almost tripped over and you didn't even make a noise," Stefania said as she typed a couple of sentences. 

"Yeah, I like my sleep," Danielle smiled, turning her head to the side and kind of getting lost in a trance as she thought about how beautiful Stefania looked right now. For reference, very beautiful.  "You're pretty," The blonde whispered, reaching a hand out to Stefania and playing with the ends of her hair. Stefania looked at her and smiled, turning her head and kissing her hand. 

"You're still sleepy," 

"Maybe. Doesn't change the fact that you're pretty,"

"Danielle. Go back to sleep," Stefania laughed, shaking her head. 

"Don't tell me what to do," Danielle said, sitting up a little bit more.

"You seemed to like that last night," Stefania mumbled, biting her bottom lip as Danielle's cheeks went a lovely shade of pink. "Nothing else to say?" Danielle rolled her eyes and sat up straight, the covers falling to her waist. Suddenly, any work on Stefania's laptop became irrelevant as her eyes widened at the sight of Danielle's very naked chest. "Oh my gosh," She mumbled as she could properly see the amount of love bites she had left. She put her laptop to the side and moved to straddle Danielle's lap, running her hands over her skin. Stefania dropped her head down and pressed a few kisses on Danielle's body, making the blonde breathe in sharply. 

"Sensitive," She whispered, but at the same time, she didn't want Stefania to stop. If this was an insight to what her mornings could potentially be like, at least on a weekend, then she would be an early bird. 

"Do you have plans today?"

"Uhm...." Danielle's brain pulled a blank, all she could think about was how good it felt to have Stefania leave kisses all over her. 

"Good. I think, just stay here in my bed looking like this," Stefania said, pulling away and sitting up straight, amused at how droopy Danielle's eyes were. "Oh! I'm helping you learn your lines, right?"

"Yeah, yeah," Danielle nodded slowly as she looked into the brown eyes opposite her. "I'm going to go and brush my teeth so I can kiss you properly," She said, tapping on Stefania's thighs so she would get off of her. The blonde looked around the room, deciding what clothing to put on. 

"Here," Stefania said, holding out a random t-shirt that was on her bed. Danielle smiled as she took it from her and slipped it over her. It was big enough to reach past her thighs so it was fine to walk across the hallway to the bathroom. As she got up from the bed and stretched, Stefania dived forward, grabbed her hips and playfully bit into her butt, grinning as Danielle gasped. "Sorry, couldn't resist," She laughed as she flopped back down on the bed. Danielle just rolled her eyes as she walked out of her room, shaking her head.  

She walked into the bathroom and took in her appearance in the mirror, clearly Stefania had gotten to her neck as well. Those would just need a good couple of layers of foundation and concealer for Monday. She started brushing her teeth and let her mind wander to the night before and her body felt tingly as she thought about just how skilled Stefania is with her tongue and just wanted her hand to be wrapped around her throat again and to have her-

"Good morning, Danielle," Jaina said from the doorway, making Danielle jump as she looked at her best friend in the mirror. "It seems that you had a good night," She commented as she walked over to Danielle and tilted her head to the side and inspected her neck. "Gosh, couldn't even get your own t-shirt," She teased as went back to lean against the doorway. 

"Mhm," Danielle mumbled as she spat out the toothpaste. "Yes, I did have a good night," She said smugly in the mirror. "If you think my neck is bad, you should see the rest of me,"

"Oh, really? Wow," Jaina said, nodding her head. "Am I getting any details?"

"Not right this second," Danielle said as she tossed her hair about a bit.

"There's a very gorgeous Italian waiting for me to get back into bed with her,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now