Chapter 70

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"Good. Because I'm nowhere near done with you,"

"I guess it works," Barrett laughed, tilting her head to the side as Danielle presented her now painted cast. It was finally the day of Brett and Barrett's wedding, Danielle and Jaina were with Barrett who had just finished getting her hair and make up done and was about to get fitted in her dress. "Have you seen Brett?"

"Not yet. We arrived and came straight here," Jaina replied, an excited smile on her face. "I wish I waited to do my make up because I think I'm going to cry when I see you with everything on," 

"Me too!" Danielle laughed, bringing a hand up to cover her mouth. "I could probably cry now,"

"Oh, stop it!" Barrett laughed, clasping her hands together. "Otherwise you'll make me cry,"

"We all know you'll be crying anyway. Remember when you wanted us to hear the vows you'd written and could barely get past two sentences without bursting into tears?" Jaina teased but the memory just made Barrett smile. 

"Change the topic otherwise I will actually break down,"

"Oh! Royal Central offered me another term working with them," Jaina said, a proud look on her face. 

"Oh my gosh, that's amazing! Actually, I meant to ask, is Stefania okay with, you know not really being in the wedding?"

"Yeah, she's fine," Danielle dismissed. "You've basically had every aspect of your wedding planned before your engagement, she didn't expect to be a bridesmaid or anything. She just arrived actually,"

"Okay good. I was a little uneasy," Barrett sighed. "Has she seen you in your dress?" Danielle shook her head in reply as she looked down at herself. "You both should go now anyway because my mother is about to get here any minute," For as long as Barrett could remember, her mother always told her that she would help her put on her wedding dress, just the two of them, which is exactly what they were about to do.

"Of course, B," Jaina hugged Barrett and placed a kiss to her cheek, Danielle doing the same. "We'll see you soon," Danielle and Jaina walked out of the room and headed through the venue of the wedding. A grand hall with flowers everywhere and large stone pillars and renaissance style paintings hanging on the walls. It was truly beautiful. 

"Danielle!" The blonde started smiling  before she turned, knowing exactly who's voice that belonged to.

"There you are," Danielle smiled as soon as her eyes landed on Stefania. "Oh, you look beautiful,"

"I'm just going to find, Boris," Jaina announced before quickly walking off.

"Thank you, bambina," Stefania smiled as she gently kissed Danielle. "You look beautiful, too," Danielle pulled away and very blatantly checked Stefania out. She wore a dark blue and purple dress, fitted around the waist, flowy around her knees. "Stop with the eyes,"

"What do you mean?" Danielle asked playfully, even though she knew exactly what her girlfriend meant. "Is it really such a crime for me to look at my absolutely stunning girlfriend?"

"Of course not. But you look at me like that and I want to get naked," Stefania said, tilting her head to the side. 

"So I should always look at you like this?" Danielle teased, a bright smile plastered on her face as she reached down to loosely hold Stefania's hand. 

"Stop it!" Stefania laughed, knocking into her girlfriend then swinging their hands back and forth. "Save it for later when we're both drunk on the dance floor,"

"Yes ma'am," Danielle grinned as they began to walk through the venue. The seats where the ceremony would be taking place were slowly beginning to fill up and according to the schedule, there was still about twenty minutes until it begun. "You know how there's twenty minutes..."

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now