Chapter 72

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"To us,"

Danielle tucked her knees up to her chest, an excited smile on her face as the clock finally hit the hour and the premier of Your Hand Featuring Mine  began. The four women were all anticipating the start, wearing over the top outfits and drinking expensive wine along with tiny appetisers. 

Nerves settled into Danielle's chest as the final advertisements played and Stefania reached over to grab her hand. She and everyone knew how important and monumental this was for Danielle and they were all so proud of her. Danielle was classing this as the official beginning of her career and she let out an excited squeal as the opening scene started to play. 

It was almost as if Stefania forgot that Caterina existed because her face fell as soon as she saw her on the screen. Perhaps this was going to be a little more difficult to sit through than expected. 

"Look, it's you!" Jaina exclaimed as Danielle walked into frame, Barrett matching her energy by waving her hands around. Stefania tried to force her smile because of course, she was happy for her girlfriend but did the first scene really have to be her hugging Caterina's character from behind? 

Stefania let go of Danielle's hand so that she could reach her wine glass, taking a sip then keeping the vessel in front of her face to hid any looks of irritance that were threatening to show. Barrett glanced over at Stefania and could immediately tell what she was thinking, though it seemed like Danielle hadn't noticed just yet. As the theme sequence began to play, Danielle finally tore her eyes away from the screen, her shoulder pushed up to her ears. 

"I thought it would be worse seeing myself on television," She admitted, relief falling from her body. 

"I think I'm still trying to process that it is actually you," Jaina laughed, though Stefania had averted her eyes to the floor as the theme showed a small segment of Danielle and Caterina leaning in to kiss. And while yes, she knew it wasn't Danielle and Caterina, it was Jersey and May, it was a lot worse seeing that then she anticipated. 

But this was the premier, she didn't want to draw the attention away from Danielle so told herself to just suck it up and watch the episode. It wasn't like every scene was of them kissing anyway. 

The advert breaks brought a moment of relief for Stefania, never more interested in a new car model before than now. She could admit that the show was good, definitely nothing wrong with the storyline so far but did 'Jersey and May' really have to be so affectionate all the time? Stefania walked over to the kitchen and poured herself another glass of wine, Barrett making her way over as well for a refill. 

"Are you okay?" She asked quietly, turning her back away from Danielle and Jaina. 

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"Because you look like you want to the smash the television," Barrett replied. "If you tell Danielle that you're uncomfortable watching this, she'll understand," Stefania sighed and quickly glanced over at Danielle. 

"There's only fifteen minutes left. I'll be fine," Stefania said as she took a large gulp of wine. "Besides, she looks like an excited puppy and I don't want to miss that,"

"Okay," Barrett smiled at Stefania as they walked back towards the living room, just as the final part started to play. It appeared that Danielle finally noticed the slight awkwardness coming off of Stefania so patted her lap for her to bring her legs up so she could idly massage them. A small act of love. 

Stefania made a face as the episode came to an end, fading out on a shot of 'May and Jersey' kissing. Thank goodness that was over. 

"That was so good!" Jaina cheered, clasping her hands together. 

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now