Chapter Twenty Three

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"Do you know what baciami means?"

"Would it be weird if I told you that I spent quite a bit of time trying to google translate what it meant?" Danielle asked, voice lower. Stefania smiled as she spoke, though the sound of her heart beating was taking over. "So, what does it mean?" Stefania looked at her and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. 

"Kiss me," 

Danielle felt her heart skip a beat, her mouth making a little 'o' shape as she gazed into the beautiful pair of brown eyes opposite her. 

"Danielle?" Stefania whispered, moving forward so their legs were touching, her hand coming up to gently hold the side of her face. "Baciami," 

They both smiled as they slowly leaned in until their lips were finally touching and then they were kissing and it felt like the feeling you get when you countdown to a new year. 

The 3, 2, 1. 

That's what it felt like. Stefania moved her thumb slowly over Danielle's cheek, pulling her closer. The blonde reached up and slid her hand to the back of Stefania's neck, taking a deep breathe as they kissed and kissed and kissed.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while," Danielle whispered as she slowly pulled away, though now she had, she just wanted to kiss her more.

"Me too," Stefania said, soft smile on her face as she dropped her hand, tracing it along Danielle's arm. Her heart was still racing but it seemed easier to breathe. 

"What was it again? Baciami?"

"Si, baciami," Stefania nodded and smiled as they both leaned in again, her hair falling forwards. The brunette hummed softly against her lips as happiness soared through her veins, the realisation of just how much it was eating away at her, the need to kiss Danielle, it was consuming. She held her face in both hands, breathing her in as much as she could.

When you finally get to kiss the girl you've been wanting to kiss, it feels amazing. Time slows, everything falls into place. 

"Danielle?" Jaina's voice could be heard coming up the stairs. Could her best friend have any worse timing? Danielle regretfully pulled away, and turned her head towards the door as footsteps migrated towards her bedroom door. They heard a knock, but obviously, no reply. 

"Sorry," Danielle whispered, giving Stefania one more quick little kiss then going to the door. 

"Hey, I'm here," She said, leaning against the door frame. Stefania's eyes traced her figure, head tilted to the side, silly smile on her face. 

"Oh?" Jaina squinted her eyes at her best friends heated cheeks, inadvertently questioning why she was with Stefania. She had to bite her tongue to stop herself from telling Jaina everything because she knew she would get so excited and Stefania was literally just behind her on the bed. It could wait. 

"What's up?"

"I want to order pizza," Jaina announced, walking over to Danielle. She peered over her shoulder, curiosity getting to the better of her and saw the moment Stefania flopped back on her bed, hands covering her face.

"Go on then," Danielle said, shrugging it off. 

"What, you don't want pizza?"

"Yeah, of course, sorry," Danielle shook her head, laughing softly. Jaina just stared at her, very confused. "The usual?"

"That's what I was thinking but just had to make sure. Movie as well? Or we can play something?"

"Yeah, we can check Netflix," The blonde just nodded her head, not really paying attention to the conversation but enough to reply. 

"Does..." Jaina motioned her head towards Stefania. 

"Oh! Stefania?"

"Si!" She sat up on her bed quickly, looking over at the two girls. 

"We're ordering pizza, do you want some?"

"Ah, no thank you! I have food in the fridge," Their eyes seemed to linger a little longer than usual. Jaina just, well, she just stood there. 

"Cool. So, I'm going to order that now," Though she didn't really say it to them, more just to excuse herself. Danielle stayed in the doorway, looking at Stefania who had laid back down. 

"What time do you finish work on Monday?"

"Uh... at four. Sometimes it runs over though, especially on Monday because my students have work to show me from over the weekend,"

"Ah okay," She nodded her head and started playing with her fingers. "Well, after you finish work, can I take you out?" Stefania sat up again, smile on her face.

"Like on a date?"

"Like on a date,"

"Si," She got up from her bed and walked to Danielle, placing her hands on the blondes waist. "You can take me out," She gave her a gentle kiss, smiling into it. 

"Okay," Danielle whispered, smiling as well, soft little kisses. And then they were interrupted by Stefania's phone ringing! 

"Ah, it's Gio, I should answer," 

"That's okay. You should have dinner with us, okay?" Stefania nodded her head as she answered the phone and Danielle left her room. 

"Okay, it has been an hour now so if you haven't already. Do. It. Now," Stefania laughed at her little brother. 

"I have a date on Monday,"

"You do?!" 

"And, I-"

"There's more! Tell me, tell me!"

"I was just about to!" She laughed. "I kissed her. She kissed me, Gio," She lowered her voice as she smiled into the phone. "She likes me too," All she heard was a lot of shuffling about, footsteps running around.

"She does?! Oh, this is great, I'm so happy for you, I knew this would work out," Stefania smiled as Gio spoke, she couldn't imagine not having the bond she has with him. 

"She's going to pick me up after work,"

"Ooooo, what are you guys doing?"

"She didn't say yet. Oh gosh, I need an outfit," Stefania realised as she stood by her wardrobe doors. "Maybe a dress,"

"You have to tell me how it goes on Monday. Keep updating me!"

"Of course I will," She smiled, turning to look at herself in the mirror and seeing just how much of a smile she had on her face. "I'm going to go now though, I will talk to you on Monday,"

"Okay, okay. Ciao,"

"Ciao," Stefania let out another breathe, blew out the candles in her room, then went downstairs to make her dinner. Jaina was on the sofa, Danielle wasn't to be seen. 

"Stefania?" Jaina called her name as she walked into the kitchen. 


"Did Danielle seem... a bit, I don't know, weird, when you were talking upstairs?"

"What do you mean?" She questioned, making sure her face was hidden in the fridge so her smile wasn't noticeable. 

"Just because when I asked her about dinner, she seemed really shifty and literally just ran into her room and said she was busy when I knocked,"

"Ah, well," Of course Stefania wasn't going to say anything about what just happened in her room. That was something a best friend should tell her best friend. "Maybe she is just tired, I don't know," She shrugged it of and that seemed like enough for Jaina who turned her attention back to the television.  Though it left Stefania wondering if there was a problem, she can see how much Jaina and Danielle talk to each other. Her thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell and Jaina shouting up to Danielle. 

"Pizza's here!"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now