Chapter 46

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"You're a bit perfect, you know?"

Danielle made her way back to her trailer from hair and make up. It was her second week on set and she had more or less fully got to grips with where everything is, who everyone is and what exactly is expected of her.

"Danielle!" She turned around when she heard Caterina calling her. "Oh good, you're done with hair and make up. Looking very lovely may I add,"

"They are magical with their brushes," Danielle smiled, as she fiddled with her phone in her hand.

"Come chill in my trailer for a bit before call time. We can run lines a bit as well," Caterina didn't really give Danielle a chance to answer as she linked arms and led her towards her trailer. They walked in and sat on the sofa, Caterina pulling out some papers. "Have you got most of your lines down?"

"More or less, yeah," Danielle nodded as she got comfortable, not realising that her phone was ringing in her pocket.

SS: Hey

SS: I'm having such a rubbish day

SS: Call me when you can?

Stefania stared down at her phone as she watched the messages stay on delivered. Danielle had told her the schedule for today and she was 99.9% certain that she wasn't on set right now meaning that she was 99.9% sure that she would answer her phone. Clearly not.

Royal Central had just set out the cast list for the end of year showcase and a very angry parent had given her an earful because her daughter was not given a main role. It wasn't Stefania's fault that her daughter wasn't as good as someone else. There was also apparently a problem with the schedule for the studios and when classes were on and students who needed to rehearse and it was all a big mess.

She just wanted to speak to her girlfriend for a little.

"Your eyes are so blue, how am I meant to focus?" Caterina laughed, holding onto Danielle's arm.

"Come on! Just take a breath otherwise we'll never get through this," Danielle shook her head as she glanced down at the script. "You have something important to tell me?"

"Can't we just skip to the kissing part?" Caterina asked, tilting her head to the side and twisting a strand of hair around.

"We'd be missing out like, two pages of dialogue?" Danielle laughed, not understanding the meaning behind Caterina's question or even picking up on her blatant flirting.

"Just so we can make sure the magic is really there, you know?"

"We might as well run through to that part so the emotions are in the right place," Caterina dropped her shoulders slightly as she agreed. At least she'd get to kiss Danielle either way.

"Ladies! Off to set please!" A knock on the door pulled them out from their scene and they made their way to shoot.

"Are you going to laugh?" Danielle asked as they got onto set and people whizzed around them to make sure the lighting was perfect.

"Maybe," Caterina teased, sticking her tongue out as she looked up at the lighting rigs. "But don't blame me if I do," They began to shoot the scene, Caterina managing to stay in role the more takes and angles they shot.

"Guys, we just need to change something with one of the cameras so take a break," Matt said as he jotted something down on his clipboard. "This is looking really good, by the way,"

"Wow, you actually look like you're in love," Jesse said sarcastically as he walked onto the set, clapping his hands slowly.

"I didn't even know you were there!"

"Matt said I'm a bit of a distraction so told me to stand behind the monitors if I wanted to watch," He explained. Danielle found it very funny how this grown man was talking like a little kid who had been told off at school and sent to the naughty corner. "But honestly, it looks good, I see sparks,"

"Shut up, Jesse," Caterina felt herself blush a little and bowed her head.

"That was a compliment!"

"She's been all giggly today when we were trying to run lines," Danielle said as she side eyed Caterina with a smile.

"Giggly? Sure you got the right Caterina?" Jesse questioned, though that seemed to be a bit more truthful than jokey.

"Off the set, Jesse!" Matt announced as he walked back over. "Take it back a few lines and let's get this done!" They ended up running a little later than intended which led to a fairly worn out Danielle walking back to her trailer slowly, wanting to just curl up and fall asleep.

"Oh shit, where's my phone?" She realised it was in Caterina's trailer and dragged herself over there, knocking and then popping her head inside. "Caterina?"

"Yes! Hi, Danielle,"

"I think I left my phone from earlier,"

"Uh..." Caterina looked around and spotted it on the sofa, picked it up and walked over to Danielle. "We did some good scenes today," She smiled as she gave her the phone but lingered a little. Danielle was too tired to even notice if something was a little off.

"Yeah, it was good. I'm so tired now though," She yawned a little as she went back down the little steps. "I'll see you tomorrow," She gave a little wave as she walked off, made sure she had everything then headed home.

The lights downstairs were off as Danielle walked in and it didn't take long for her to take her shoes off and go upstairs. She hadn't even checked her phone, just shoved it in her pocket and went home. Danielle changed into pyjama's and sat on her bed, letting out a sigh of relief. She then picked up her phone and realised just how long it had been since she checked it.

"Stefania..." She murmured when she saw the missed calls and texts. "Shit," She got up and went straight to Stefania's room, knocking on the door. There was no answer and peered round to see all the lights off and her fast asleep in bed. She bit her lip and shut the door, going over to Jaina's room.



"Can I come in?"


Danielle walked in, shut the door and leant against it.

"What's up? How was work?" She asked as she looked up from her laptop.

"Uh, good good. Long. Is Stefania alright?" Jaina furrowed her eyebrows and Danielle showed her the texts and missed calls.

"Oh. Right. Yeah there was a whole thing at Royal Central today,"

"I feel so bad. She called when I could have be on my phone but I was running lines and I just was so busy and now she's asleep," Danielle felt herself getting slightly annoyed. "What happened?"

"I don't know every detail but a parent called to speak to Stefania and wasn't happy with the casting choices for the showcase and said some very not nice things to her," Jaina explained. "I haven't even seen her since being home, just heard her come in and go to her room,"

"Dammit," Danielle hung her head down and turned to open the door. "Your day was good though?"

"Yeah, mine was great. Little Harriet can now do a cartwheel and showed me about fifteen times today," Jaina laughed softly. "But there was all this mix up with studio spaces which was a bit annoying but... oh, Stefania kind of dealt with it. It makes sense why she's asleep now to be honest,"

"I feel like such a bad girlfriend,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now