Chapter Twenty One

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"Such a romantic,"

Saturday rolled around, Barrett had gone home, feeling in a much better place with Brett and very thankful for her friends and new found friendship in Stefania. Danielle decided that she didn't want to encounter Stefania. She stayed in her room and left sharply to go to the gym, she felt like she had a lot to work off anyway. 

Music loud in her ears, Danielle got on the Step Master, ready to sweat it all out. Ten minutes passed, twenty, thirty when she finally came to a stop, sweat dripping from her head, back of her neck. She pressed her towel to her face and took a drink of water. Gosh, it felt good. She took a moment to breathe before stepping off the machine. She also knew that she wasn't done there, her energy levels were high and no way was she about to let that go to waste. 

Jaina decided to go down to Boris's workplace, Station 19, and feeling happy, picked up a bright yellow sunflower for him. She walked in, greeting a couple of guys she knew at the front. 

"He should be in the weight room," Jaina nodded her head and went up the stairs, rounding the corner, and sure enough, there was her boyfriend all hot and sweaty, lifting weights. 

"Damn," She whispered, under her breathe. She allowed him to finish his set, he hadn't noticed her yet but she really didn't mind the view. She was kind of disappointed when he put the weights down honestly. "Hi," She smiled when their eyes locked through the mirror. His face showed a moment of surprise when her registered who was standing there and took out his earphones. 

"Hey gorgeous," He grinned, walking over to her and giving her a kiss.

"For you," She smiled proudly, holding out the flower.

"It's beautiful," He said, giving her another kiss. "What are you doing here? I don't get off until seven,"

"Just missed your face is all," She sighed.

"I wish you would have told me, we have group training in about an hour so we don't have a lot of time," Jaina took in the information and tilted her head to the side.

"Are there any rooms free?" She questioned, looking out the door. "Perhaps, with a bed?" Boris raised an eyebrow when he realised what she was getting at. 

"I'll make sure there is," They both smiled as they walked out, footsteps hurried, door shutting, door locking. 

Stefania laid on her bed, letting her hair hang off the edge, thinking about a certain blonde. Though she kept getting annoyed at herself for doing so. She had no plans for the day so thought it would be a good idea to see if Gio was doing anything. She gave him a quick call, patiently waiting for him to answer. 

"Ciao!" She smiled, when she heard his voice on the other end. "What are you doing today?"

"Watching basketball,"

"Good, I need to talk to you. Meet me at Le Farfalle  at five,"

"I didn't agree,"

"Per favore..." She whined, sitting up on her bed. 


"Grazie! I will see you soon," She smiled as she hung up, opening her wardrobe doors and picking out an outfit. She was very glad that she had a good bond with her brother. An hour or so later, Stefania sat at a table in Le Farfalle, waiting for Gio to enter. He finally got there, beanie pulled over his ears as he sat down. 

"You look so different already!"

"It's been a week, Stefania," Gio replied, shaking his head. "What's up?" He asked, flipping open the menu. 

"Uh... well," He instantly noticed the awkwardness and uncertainty of his sister and put the menu down.

"What is it?"

"I think I like someone..." She begun.

"Oh gosh, have you told papa yet?" She shook her head quickly, avoiding eye contact. "Oh," The realisation settled in for what she meant, rather, who she meant. 

"Yeah..." She was about to speak some more when a waitress came over for their order, they quickly handled that then went back to the conversation at hand. "I was talking to my friend about it last night and she said to sleep on it and now, I'm pretty certain I like her but I can't tell, anyone really," Gio nodded his head in understanding,

"Does she know? That you like her?"

"I'm not sure but I think she likes me," She smiled when she thought about Danielle.

"Oh, you're already smiling about her, I see, I see," She bowed her head slightly to let her hair hang over her face. "So, what are you going to do? Because you can't just keep it a secret forever, that's almost setting you guys to break up,"

"I know. I haven't decided yet. My friend said to talk to her about it,"

"Do I know her?"

"You've met,"

"I've met her? Who? Do you have a picture? Is she prettyyy?" He smiled as he watched his sister act all giddy. "Come on!"

"I.. uh, actually do not have a picture of her just yet, but..."

"Sir. Madam," The waitress placed their coffee and macaroons on the table, interrupting Stefania.

"Grazie," They both said at the same time.

"Danielle," Stefania muttered as she brought the cup to her lips.

"I didn't hear that,"


"Stefania! This is not when you first ever told me that you liked a girl, come onnnn,"

"It's Danielle," She smiled.

"Danielle? Danielle. The name sounds so familiar. And I've met her?" Gio spoke to himself, racking his brain thoroughly. "Danielle! Your room mate, right? The blonde one?" Stefania nodded with a smile. "Oh yeah, she's pretty,"

"She is. We almost kissed last night but I panicked. And then were cuddling on the sofa watching a movie and I fell asleep and when she woke me up I told her to kiss me but in Italian so she didn't understand me but I wish she did," It felt good for her to get this off her chest. 

"You should have just kissed her!"

"It's not that simple, Gio,"

"I know. Trust me, I know," He sighed and thought for a moment. "You just... you look like you really like her. And I know that it's so difficult but you've always got me? If Papa cannot accept you for who you are and makes you feel like you cannot love someone, as hard and as difficult as it sounds, he doesn't deserve to know. Stefania, how many conversations have we had about this? About you freaking out because you like a girl, because it never felt right when you had boyfriends but then never becoming anything because you were afraid. You like her. You like Danielle and I think you should tell her and kiss her,"

"You can be very wise, Gio," Stefania said, letting what he just said sink in. "I think you're right though," Gio nodded his head enthusiastically, very happy with his little speech.

"I want this to be special,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now