✨Female Buizel X Male adopted Reader

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The door unlocked and opened.

Neighborhood kid: Hey can (Y/N) come play with us?

Mom: Sure! He's actually almost done with his chores.

She looked back and saw him running to the door.

(Y/N): Mom, I'm done with chores!

Mom: Be back soon, your dad will be here shortly!

(Y/N) went with the other kids and wondered around the Hotel grand lake, then they made it to the beach shore. From there, they watched the ships pass by and even saw a storm in the horizon. Then (Y/N) decided to head back to his home and saw his dad waiting for him.

Dad: Hey there little man, how you've been?

(Y/N): I'm not little! I'm 10 years old!

The dad pat his son's head and even picked him up.

Dad: Nope! Still little.

Then the mom came out and had a basket.

Mom: You leave my little man alone.

Dad: Oh come on, he can't be always be little. Because we're going on a small trip!

(Y/N): Dad? There's a storm coming. You sure?

He looked at the dark clouds and laughed.

Dad: Just some clouds, they don't scare me!

(Y/N) sighed and they went to the dock, where their boat is at. A bunch of Wingull was heading the opposite way and that made (Y/N) concerned. As the boat was in the water, it rocked back and forth causing (Y/N) to get a headache and he sat down on the floor, while holding his head.

Mom: (Y/N) are you ok?

(Y/N): Can we turn back? I'm not feeling good about this boat trip..

Dad: Alright we ca-

Then a huge wave hit the boat. As the Dad tried his hardest to steer away and head back, the ocean had other plans. Then another hit and then another, soon the boat flipped and everyone was in the water. (Y/N) hung onto his mom for dear life and the winds carried away the mom from him and now he was holding the basket that his mom holding. The storm took (Y/N) back to the hotel and as he lays there on the shore, he can still his parents calling him but he couldn't see them. He sat up and opened the basket and it had a blue and white pokeball with a note next to it.

"Dear (Y/N), If your reading this then happy birthday! Your father and I may not be always there because we work a lot, so your father wanted you to have a pokemon that'll keep you company! He lucky to find one and catch it, you should've seen the look on his face that day. When your done reading this, you'll have a new friend waiting for you in that pokeball.

Sincerely love Mom"

A stream of tears rolled down his face and picked up the pokeball. Pressing the button in the middle in larged the ball, then the ball opened and released a red like beam out and a Pokemon came out. After being summoned, it made a star like aura around it. It looked at the crying boy and it was confused.

Buizel: Bui?

(Y/N): *Sniffle* They're gone...I only have you now.

Buizel nuzzled it's neck onto the crying boy and tried to comfort him. (Y/N) was now holding onto the Pokemon ball and the note his mom wrote.

3 months later...

(Y/N) was put in foster care and soon was adopted by a new family, during that Buizel and (Y/N) became close friends and almost a sibling (Y/N) never had before. However, due to losing his family to the storm, (Y/N) never learned how to swim and when a rainy storm passes by, he would stay in his room with Buizel until it ended. One day (Y/N)'s adopted parents encourage him and Buizel to go out to the nearby woods to get some berries for a pie. The adopted mother warns them to not eat the berries like last time and they head off to the woods. (Y/N) found the berries and stopped his Buizel before she can eat any.

(Y/N): You remember what ma said.

Buizel: Bui?

She then pretend she was starving and it almost fooled (Y/N), but he saw through it and promised her they will come back later for more berries when it get dark out. They returned with a loaded bag of berries. (Y/N) went to his room and waited for the pie to be done. Buizel then "borrowed" a few oran berries and went inside (Y/N)'s room. When she opened the door however, he was sitting on the bed holding the note and he was sadden.

Buizel: Zel!

(Y/N): I'm fine Buizel, I just wanted to see them again but I can't. They're gone and I wish I wasn't afraid and accept my new happy life.

Buizel offered the oran berries and he kindly decline.

(Y/N): No thanks, you can eat them.

Buizel looked at the berries and puts them to the side and nuzzles on (Y/N)'s arm. Later on after dinner, the adopted parents said they're goodnights to (Y/N) and Buizel, soon a storm came and hearing the rain hit the window made (Y/N) feel uneasy. He was able to sleep but Buizel heard thunder and it was getting to much for her. Buizel snuck out of bed and went in the kitchen to see if she can find any leftover berries, but there wasn't any and looked out and was wondering if she can or can not. Soon (Y/N) woke up when another thunder strike almost hit his window. He checked to see if Buizel was still with him, but she wasn't there. Then he saw her running into the woods and it caused him to almost freak out. If he tried to go his adopted parents to help him, it'll be to late. So he put his clothes and a rain coat and snuck out the door and chased after Buizel. He was calling out for her and almost tripped and fell into a pond. He finally found her and she was holding a handful of berries. Before he can berate her, there was pokemon running pass them and a wild Lotad was being carried off by the wind and he caught the Lotad just in time.

(Y/N): Buizel go make sure all the other pokemon are safe!

Buizel looked and nodded in understanding. (Y/N) held onto the Lotad as he finds a safe place for it.

(Y/N): It's ok, I'm here.

Lotad: Lo?

(Y/N) heard Buizel and she had the other water-type pokemon with her and they escorted them out the woods. When they came near the house, the storm died down and it was peaceful. (Y/N) took a deep breath and smiled knowing he had conquered his fear. He sat down on the wet grass and looked up at the moon. Buizel sat next to him and rest her head on his shoulder.

(Y/N): I think it's time to move on and I'll keep my parents memories in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you learned to not sneak off like that, but it's ok.

Buizel: Buizel!

She rubbed her nose on his nose and it made him giggled.

(Y/N): I know, I love you too Buizel.

As they're chilling under the moon, the other water-type pokemon looked up (Y/N) and Buizel as their protectors and even family. Maybe there's something else to do more than just be a kid, he can be a Pokemon trainer! Or he'll just make a home for water-type pokemon to live in without any fear. (Foreshadow)

The end

Word counter: 1315 words

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now