🍋Female Miltank X Male County Boy

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(Pokemon requested by TheBadStorywriter)

???: (Y/N)! Wake up boy!

The young man wakes up and see his grandpa.

(Y/N): What now?

???: The Pokemon got out the cage, they're all over the place!

(Y/N) gets up and looked out the window. Seeing the Miltanks and Tauros running around the place.

(Y/N): I thought I locked it up...

???: Well you didn't, c'mon! Gates broken. Get your boots on!

The grandpa leave the room and (Y/N) get on his button up shirt and Boots. He rushed out the house and see his grandpa having a hard time rounding up the Pokemon. (Y/N) whistle and the Miltanks heard him and they go to him.

(Y/N): All alright! You four get those Tauros back in the barn!

The four Pokemon go and used their moves to herd the Tauros. While they're doing that, (Y/N) and his grandpa fix the gates. When they're done, the Miltanks almost got all the Tauros back in the barn, except for one. It gets ready to charge at the two humans.

(Y/N): On the count of three, we jump.

The Tauros started running at them.

(Y/N): 1.

It's fast!

???: 2.

It's pissed off!

(Y/N): 3!

They both jumped out of the way and the Tauros runs in the barn and hit a metal pool. It's rage quickly died down and (Y/N) closed the gate.

???: I'm getting too old for this.

(Y/N): Again, I'm sorry for not properly locking the gate.

???: Eh, it's nothing compared what I went through.

(Y/N): Please don't start telling your stories now.

???: Then you aren't getting any breakfast!

(Y/N): .... How did you hog tie a Tauros again? I want to hear it.

???: Glad you asked kiddo!

While he's telling his story, they go back in the house and make themselves breakfast.

???: Hey, remember that time you came here? You were so small.

(Y/N): Yeah... I remember. Just chose not to think about it.

Then his grandpa gets a call on his phone. He gets it out but has a hard time trying to answer the phone.

???: Damn it... Still don't know how to work these damn things!

(Y/N) pressed the green button to answer.

???: Hello? Grandpa Martin?

Grandpa Martin: Yeah it's me. This is....

DeeDee: Your granddaughter? DeeDee?

Grandpa Martin: Oh yeah, I also have a granddaughter.

DeeDee: Grampa... Can I live with you for a while?

(Y/N): Hey, what happened to your "business"?

DeeDee: It went downhill. And I had to file for bankruptcy.

Grandpa Martin: You can come over, but you must help out around the farm.

DeeDee: Do I have to?

Grandpa Martin: Yes!

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now