Female Charmeleon X Male Reader

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4 years later

Red: Charm! Charm! Charm!

(Y/N): Not now Red...

The Charmeleon nuzzles (Y/N)'s face until he wakes up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

(Y/N): Did I overslept my alarm again?

Red picks up the clock from the nightstand and showed it to (Y/N).

Red: Char?

(Y/N) takes a close look at it and rolled his eyes.

(Y/N): Yep, I'm late.

He and Red gets out of bed and into the bathroom. Red gets a bucket of sand and a cauldron while (Y/N) takes off his clothes and goes into the shower. Red puts the cauldron on her tail and grabbed some sand, then cleaned herself with it. The cauldron is keeping her tail safe from the sand. Soon (Y/N) came out the shower, butt naked and to his room. He dried himself off as Red comes in and pulled the dresser drawers.

(Y/N): So what am I wearing today?

Red gets out; a black shirt, red and white vest and sky blue jeans.

(Y/N): Uh Red? You forgot two things.

Red looked at him confused. (Y/N) get 2 very important items.

(Y/N): Underwear and socks.

Red embarrassingly scratched her head.

Red: Mel.

After getting his clothes on, he and Red heads down stairs to the kitchen and greeted (M/N).

(M/N): Late again? How many times your going to be late?

(Y/N): Don't know, don't care. Me hungry, please feed me.

Red: Char char!

(M/N): At least you said please this time.

(M/N) gave them their breakfast and made herself a cup of coffee.

(Y/N): Thanks mom! I gotta go.

He hugged his mom and hugged Red, then he goes outside and gets his bike from the side of the house. (Y/N) rode to school, along the way he saw a pack of Eevees running by. (Y/N) thought of owning one, but then again... Having two pokemon would be a lot of trouble. Finally making it to the school, he hid his bike in a bush. Last time his bike got stolen by a random kid. He had to buy a new one but this time (Y/N) hides it instead. Going to his locker, he opened it and get his textbook. When he was about to close it, a familiar voice called out to him.

(Y/N): Oh no.. not him again.

Gary: Well, well! If it isn't the chump.

(Y/N): Don't you have anything better to do?

Gary: What? I can't say hi? Anyway, I've been training my Pokemon and they're VERY strong.

(Y/N) rolled his eyes and closed his locker.

Gary: So! I'm asking you, for a rematch.

(Y/N) ignores him and walked to his class. For the whole day, Gary couldn't shut up about how strong his Pokemon are and would loudly bring it up whenever (Y/N) is around. At the end of school, (Y/N) was about to go home but Gary stopped him. How? He pushed (Y/N) off his bike. (Y/N) was very pissed off at Gary.

(Y/N): What the hell Gary?! What's your fucking problem?!

Gary: Still being a sore loser huh? A rematch could fix this you know?

(Y/N): Ohhh no! I'm not falling for that again.

Gary: Listen, I have reputation I gotta keep.

(Y/N): Being a douchebag?

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now