🍋 Female Leafeon X Male Yoga Teacher Reader

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???: Justin! We are doing this, whether you like it or not.

Justin: Look Abby, how is this going to fix our marriage?

Abby: We barely talk to each other, we don't even sleep in the same bed anymore. I'm actually TRYING, unlike you!

Then the front door bell ring.

Abby: Oh my god, they're here. Don't screw this up.

Justin: Just like how you screwed the tennis coach.

Abby: Fuck. You.

She cleared her throat and opened the door.

Abby: Well hi Mr. (L/N).

(Y/N): Please Abby, call me (Y/N). May i come in?

Abby: O-Oh of course!

She stepped to the side and let (Y/N) in.

(Y/N): You know, I'm glad you're taking the time of your day to do yoga. It's important to lower the stress.

Abby: Well, haha, I try.

They go to the kitchen where Justin was at.

Abby: This is my husband, Justin.

(Y/N): Hello.

He waved at him but Justin just sips more of his drink. They head out to theback of the house and (Y/N) laid down the yoga mats. Then pulled out his PokeBall and released his Pokemon.

(Y/N): My partner will be joining us today. Meet Daisy.

The Leafeon bow and Abby petted her.

Abby: She's the most cutest thing~ cuter than my daughter, Tracy.

(Y/N): Alright everyone, let's start off with some breathing exercise.

Him, Abby and Daisy did the breathing exercise but Justin just rolled his eyes and didn't participate in that.

(Y/N): Justin? Why aren't you participating?

Justin: I don't feel like it.

(Y/N): You did came out here with us.

Justin: I wanna see the ridiculousness and prove to my wife this "yoga" is a waste of time.

Abby: This isn't a waste of time you-

(Y/N): Calm yourself Abby, if that's what he believes, let him. Justin, you can leave us to our time wasting.

Justin: If anyone needs me, I'll be in the living room.

Abby: Where you'll be passed out drunk.

(Y/N): Abby? Give him some space, he'll come around. Now, let's start the stretching.

Later, the three goes back inside to take a break. Justin was just on the couch, passed out with a bottle of scotch next to him. Abby gotten upset and rudely wake him, causing him to fall off the couch and face first to the floor.

Justin: The fuck is wrong with you?!

Abby: What's wrong with me? I should say the same thing to you!

(Y/N): Abby, you have already forgotten?

Abby: N-No! I'm just trying to deal with this stressful problem.

(Y/N): It's clearly not working.

He goes up to Justin and helped him up.

(Y/N): I have a question, why couldn't you two get marriage counseling?

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now