🍋Female Vaporeon X Male Religious Reader

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(WARNING ⚠️ a lot of kinky stuff is in this story, if you're not ok with the following; Bondage, Anal beads, Ball gag, Butt plugs, Double penetration "DP" for short, Dildo, and vibrator. Please go read something else, with that out of the way, let's get to the story.)

As the church bells ring, everyone left out a church, when two more arrived.

???: Are we late?

???: You missed everything (Y/N), you gotta show up in time.

(Y/N): Again sorry, me and Chelsea were at the doctor's again.

???: Did they figure out what's wrong?

(Y/N): They're still doing test, but Chelsea's tail is returning to it's natural color.

Chelsea: Vap, Vap!

???: I hope you two returned next week on time.

(Y/N): Of course, thank you father.

Daniel: Please, call me Daniel.

The two left the church and went back home. (Y/N) unlocked the door and let Chelsea in first before going in.

Chelsea: Vaporeon!

She called out for her master. Then (Y/N) heard Chelsea's stomach growl.

(Y/N): Sure thing Chelsea.

(Y/N) opened a can of Pokemon food for her and she happily ate it. Then he made himself a sandwich, though he didn't have much to make one. Regardless, he still made one for himself. During their lunch, (Y/N) gets a call from the doctor.

(Y/N): Hello?

???: Mr. (L/N), we gotten the results from your Pokemon.

(Y/N): What is it, doctor Amanda?

Doctor Amanda: The contents in her tail is semen.

(Y/N): What?! H-How?

Doctor Amanda: Also, it's human semen too. Could you and Chelsea come in tomorrow?

(Y/N): Of course doctor, I... Still can't believe it.

Doctor Amanda: It's ok, just come in tomorrow and we'll discuss more.

He hangs up and looked at Chelsea's tail. Seeing it sway in the air as Chelsea eats. When night came, (Y/N) and Chelsea were in the room praying to Arceus. After the prayer, the two take some "medicine" Doctor Amanda gave them to take for "back pain".

Chelsea: Vaporeon?

(Y/N): I know, the pills taste a little different than usual.

They go to bed and sleep. The next morning, (Y/N) was the first to wake up but find himself covered in sweat. He goes to the bathroom, only to find his mirror smashed. Confused but not wanting to question it, he takes a shower. Chelsea wakes up, but her collar isn't on her. She sniffed around and finds it in the kitchen. Chelsea was shocked to find her collar covered in blood. Not wanting to scare her master, she spray water on it and picked it up with her mouth. (Y/N) stepped out the shower and goes to his room where Chelsea was trying to put the collar back on.

(Y/N): Again? This is the 3rd time this week.

Chelsea: Vap....

(Y/N): Don't be sad, here.

He helped her put it back on and gets himself some new clothes on. He was about to get a jacket from the closet but it's locked. (Y/N) doesn't know where the key is but will find it later. They had breakfast and walked out the door.

(Y/N): Since the doctor didn't tell us what time to arrive, we'll just take the scenic route. How's that sound Chelsea?

Chelsea: Vap, Vaporeon!

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now