🍋Female Victini X Male Loser Reader

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(Character requested by Soulless_Guardian)

(Story will only contain: Bondage)

In the late afternoon, two brothers are cleaning the dishes from a celebration as a sports team has won the finals. The amount of people came, almost made the house crowded. But the food was worth being there.

???: You saw how they clutch it?!

???: Yep.

???: The Braviaries are the MVP!

???: Amazing.

???: Little bro, be honest, do you think they'll keep up their streak? I sure as hell hope so!

???: Wow.

???: I know right?! I remember dad betting on them and let's just say... We can go on a vacation!

???: Terrific.

???: Are you even listening?

???: Incredible.

???: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): What?!

???: You zoning out, again!

(Y/N): Listen, my older sports loving brother, I'm ignoring you and getting this shit over with so I can go back to my computer.

???: So you can watch those Japanese cartoon porn videos?

(Y/N): FUCK OFF, Eddy!

Eddy: Hahahahahaha! I'm just teasing ya!

(Y/N): I don't liked being teased..

(Y/N) finished and dry his hands with a towel, but Eddy splashed the dish water at (Y/N), wetting him.

Eddy: Then I think you like getting wet!

(Y/N) angrily stormed off to his room, while his older brother laughed at him. (Y/N) used a cloth to clean his glasses and sat down on his chair.

(Y/N): I'll never leave this room! ...... I'm hungry..

To ignore his hunger, he went on his computer and played video games. Doing this will increase his chances of not encountering Eddy. During his gaming, (Y/N) is bested by a lot of people in the games. Children calling him a loser, old people calling him a loser, the word he is used to since he was a kid. Now as a grown man, still being called that. When he was done with the emotional abuse from nobodies on the internet, his stomach reminded him about eating and he checked if his brother is gone. He is, and (Y/N) goes back to the kitchen and looked for any leftovers from the sports party they had. Getting a plate and putting chicken legs, hamburger, and corn on the plate, putting it in the microwave. While the food is warming up, he gets the buns for the hamburger and bowl for the salad he's going to have with his meal. Then, the living room lights turn on and (Y/N) see his brother and dad sitting down with something in his dad's hands.

Eddy: This is going to be risky. You sure?

(D/N): I'm sure, I got something that'll help us!

(D/N) reached into the couch cushions and pulled out a quarter, Eddy gasped.

Eddy: Your lucky quarter?!

(D/N): With this, we can go on vacation every weekend! This lottery scratcher is our ticket to that.

Placing the scratcher on the coffee table, he carefully take away the stuff that's between him and millions of Pokedollars. (Y/N) didn't care and went back to making his food. The food's done and he put together his meal and was about to go to his room. Suddenly his dad shouted and jumped up from the couch. Eddy grabbed the scratcher and bring it to (Y/N).

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now