✨Female Bounsweet X Male Kindergarten Teacher Reader

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(Character requested by ApolloTheFirst)

Radio Host: How's it going my fellow believers of music. Today, we have a special guests in the studio. They're pro Pokemon trainers. What's your names again?

Shawn: Shawn.

Dimitri: Dimitri.

Radio Host: These young men have brought us info on the Pokemon world. How they think, how they live. But importantly, how the hell can they understand us, if they only say their name. Like, what's up with that?!

???: Lunch break is over. Time to head back inside.

Turning off the radio, he finished his sandwich and goes back to work. As a kindergarten teacher. Inside, all the kids ran to their classes while others walked normally. Unlocking and entering his classroom, he left the door open for the kids to come in and waited at his desk. Then he gets a text from his phone and checked it.

???: (Y/N), you remember to get the birthday present?

(Y/N): Yeah hon, I remember. After work, I'll stop by at the store and buy some.

???: Ok, just don't forget it!

(Y/N): Wouldn't forget our son's birthday gift. See you soon.

After sending the last message, his students came in and waited until they're seated then closed the door.

???: Mr. (L/N)?

(Y/N): Yes Billy?

Billy: When will class ends?

(Y/N): It'll end when the bell rings then everyone can go home. So, stop asking and let's get back to the subject before lunchtime, ok?

Around 20 minutes later, the bell rings and all the parents came to pick up their kids. (Y/N) packed up his stuff into a case and went to the parking lot. Before opening the door, he hears a familiar horn and it made him groan in annoyance. He turned around and see a car driving up to him. The window slides down and a man with sunglasses peaked out.

???: Sorry, didn't see you there!

(Y/N): .... Hello, Dick.

Dick: How's my little brother doing on this fine afternoon?

(Y/N): Just got off work.

Dick: A boring job that barely pays the bills. Should've listened to me about crypto. It's the future of money!

(Y/N): Please, I want to go home and celebrate my son's birthday.

Dick: While you're doing that, I'll be doing some gains at the gym with the boys! Tell that runt I said, happy birthday, from your rich and awesome uncle! Later little bro!

Dick speeds out of the parking lot, almost hitting someone's car. (Y/N) shook his head and go into his car and drive out of the parking lot and apologized to the person who almost got his car hit. He drove to the store where they sell Pokeballs. After buying a few, he drives to his house and parked his car in the garage. He can hear laughter and coming from the living room. Exiting the car, (Y/N) comes out of the garage and saw his son and his friends in the living room, playing with a VR game. He and his wife couldn't afford to buy a VR, then he thought about his brother. That is when his wife greeted him, which took him out of his thoughts.

???: Hi hon, how's work~?

(Y/N): Did Dick came here and brought a gift to our son?

???: Dick did in fact, came and gave Logan the VR and some games.

(Y/N): At least he spent money on his family. For once.

???: Hey, they're having a great time. But I know your gift will be very appreciated.

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now