🍋Female Arbok X Male Dishonorably Discharged Reader

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5 Years later, Hank was on his computer, sending an ad for a roommate. He needs someone to help pay for utilities and keep his Pokemon, Slithers company while he's working. Speaking of, Slithers came in and begs her owner for food.

Hank: Just a second, I need to finish up the ad. Hopefully I get something before the month ends.

Slithers: Arbok!

She persist him to get her food and Hank eventually does. Getting her a bowl of Pokemon kibble, Hank gives it to her and she turn her face at it.

Hank: C'mon, don't be ungrateful. I don't want to catch live Pokemon for you to eat, and I don't want to buy any either!

Slithers: Ar!

Slithers... Slithered away from the kitchen and Hank sighed.

Hank: Wish (Y/N) was here. He can catch some Pokemon without being grossed out... Like me..

Near the end of the day, Hank was video chatting with a friend about the last day pride parade.

???: I think you should be the one on the throne. Holding a rainbow peace symbol and spreading love!

Hank: But I'll be the center of attention! I'm too shy!

???: Don't be! You have the support of your friends and your family. They'd want you to do it!

Hank: I don't know... There's a rumor going around, about a potential shooting. Lately, I believe the government is behind it and I don't want to get murdered!

???: Buddy, those people who said that, probably made it up. This month, they updated the security and made sure to pat everyone down for any firearms.

Hank: That's not going to make me feel any better! What if they get bribed and-

A doorbell ring is heard and Hank saw Slithers going to the door.

???: You expecting company?

Hank: I think so? Oh! I posted a ad for a roommate today. So it might be them!

???: Our the big spooky government coming to kill you.

Hank: Shut up! I'll be right back.

Hank gets up from his gaming chair and goes to the door, where Slithers is giving a small hiss to whoever it is. When he unlocked and opened the door, he gasped and Slithers stopped hissing.

(Y/N): Hi I came to be your roommate? I saw the ad and I think this is the address.

Hank pulled him into a hug and (Y/N) let out a happy sigh. They stopped hugging and (Y/N) pets Slithers and she was overjoyed by an old friend.

Hank: I thought you're still in service, what happened?

(Y/N): I'll explain it during dinner, I'm starving!

Hank: Oh, I completely forgot my friend is still on call with me.

(Y/N): Heh, you replaced me already?

Hank: Not really, but you'll like him. He has similar interests like you!

Hank invites (Y/N) inside and go to his room.

???: Who's that?

Hank: (Y/N), he was in the military.

???: .... Really?

(Y/N): Yep, I WAS in the military. But something happened and now I'm here.

Virgil: Well I'm Virgil, and it's time for me to get back to managing the parade in a couple of days. See you later!

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now