Obsessed Female Shuppet X Male Father Reader

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It was quiet night in a nearby urban neighborhood. However the quiet atmosphere was gone when two people were arguing. Soon a Pokemon heard the noise and it knows the feeling and went to investigate. The Pokemon saw its own kind and lined up along and smelled the energy radiating from the house they was looking.

Shuppet: Let me guess? A jealous human along with their companion trying not to be loud too?

The other Shuppet shook it's head. Then a person came out and turned on the porch light on and all the Shuppets disappeared. The human then sat on the steps and looked at the night sky.

(Y/N): It's not my fault I talk to my sister. No I can't check on her because she has depression and now I'm looked at like I'm cheating!

The man sighed and got up and went back in the house. The porch light turned off and the Shuppets reappeared when the light is off.

Shuppet: I like him~

The other Shuppets went to find more negative energy while one stayed. She seemed to be interested to the human. So she stalk him to see what other things he's doing.

3 days later.

Marriage counselor: Now tell me how's the exercise help get out tension?

(Y/N): I mean I'm fine, just wanted to try to talk without yelling at her but it's not easy.

Wife: No duh! You always try to go behind my back while I'm taking care of our child Incase you forget!

(Y/N): This is what I'm talking about! She's always wants the attention and when I do, I still get yelled at for nothing!

The old man put down his glasses and held up his clipboard.

Marriage counselor: You two just not working out, may I suggest try giving each other space? It might clear the mind and helps too.

They shook the counselor's hand and left the office and went home. (Y/N) wanted to say something but kept quiet and focus on driving to home. Once they made it, the wife packed her things and took the daughter with her, leaving (Y/N) alone. The days go by and (Y/N) was sadden by how he didn't deserve this. He was sitting on the couch trying to take his mind off of things, however the TV turned to static and a Pokemon showed it's self.

Shuppet: Shuppet!

Her voice was echoey yet not threatening. (Y/N) didn't have any Pokemon but the Shuppet wasn't trying to hurt him but simply follow him around. He didn't mind having the Shuppet around the house since it's quiet. Whenever it's night, the Shuppet like to hide in the dark and wait for (Y/N) to go by and gave him a little scare. One day (Y/N) bought a plush doll for his daughter but he wasn't sure she would like it. So he talks to the Shuppet to help him.

(Y/N): Do you think she'll like it?

Shuppet: Shup?

(Y/N): I want to see this through and make peace with her. So Im going to give my daughter a gift that she might like!

Shuppet: This foolish human thinks this would be a way to get back? I pity him so much.

(Y/N): I need to get some sleep, tomorrow will be a new day!

He went to his room and Shuppet followed him to the bed. She then watched as he sleep and continue watching until he woke up the next morning. She has been doing this for a while but she liked how (Y/N) just looked dead but alive and breathing. Sometimes she imagines what she can do for him or to him. (Y/N) woke up and gotten ready for the day and remembered the gift for his daughter. Shuppet hid in his jacket pocket and they went out. Soon they made to his wife's apartment and knocked on the door. The door open and she came out.

Wife: What do you want?

(Y/N): I wanted to give something to our kid. So I bought her this!

He held up the plush doll and the wife took it.

(Y/N): So... Can I come in?

Wife: No.

She slammed the door on his face and that made him mad and sad at the same time. He stormed out of the building and into the car, where he just started crying. Shuppet can here him and as much she enjoys his mood he wants to help him. So she slip out undetected and went back into the apartment and saw the wife threw away the gift. As the doll fell into the dumpster, Shuppet went into the dumpster to find the doll laying on top of some trash. She tried to pick it up but due to no arms, all she can do is go in the doll. Soon Shuppet tried to get out the doll but couldn't and she was evolving.


(Y/N) went back to his home and checked his pocket to see his Shuppet wasn't there. He wanted to know where she is but at the moment he doesn't know where she is. Meanwhile a Hypno was sneaking to a dumpster to find food but while searching...

Hypno: Oh~ what's this thing?

He was holding a plush doll that was black with a zipper on its mouth. The Hypno foolishly opened the zipper and the doll's eyes opened, scaring the pokemon and threw it to the side.

???: Ow!

Hypno: What are you?!

The doll then looked at the broken glass and see it's not a Shuppet anymore.

???: I don't know... But I feel this anger inside me.

The psychic pokemon then picked up a piece of bread scrap and tried to eat it. He spit it out and threw the bread away.

???: Your hungry?

Hypno: You got food on you?

???: No but I know where you can get food along with other things.

The Hypno smirked and they went out the dumpster and it started to rain. As it rain the doll then looked up at the sky and smiled as the water hit it's body.

Hypno: If we're doing this, what's your name?

The doll then looked at him and smiled.

???: Banette.

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18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now