🍋Female Jolteon X Male Marathon Runner Reader

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???: Dad? You in here?

There was silence in the room.

???: Usually he would be at the couch, watching the sports.

That's when the lights turn on and everyone jumped out from hiding.

Everyone: Happy birthday (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Ah nuts! I forgot it was my birthday today.

That's when his dad walked to him, holding a cake in his hands.

(D/N): Can't be forgetful now. Now blow out the candles and make a wish.

(Y/N) closed his eyes then blow out the birthday candles. Everyone clapped and (D/N) set the cake at the table. Everyone had a slice of cake then it was time for presents! Each of his family members and some friends gave him different kinds of gifts. From money, clothes, a new video game. But one person had a special gift for (Y/N). Once everyone left, it was just (Y/N) and his dad.

(Y/N): So dad, where's the gift you mentioned?

(D/N): The real question is, are you responsible enough?

He held up a Premier Ball.

(Y/N): You're giving me a Pokemon?!

He nods and released the Pokemon from the ball.

Jolteon: Jolteon!

(D/N): I adopted her from the pound. Hope you like it.

(Y/N): Like it?

He kneel down and Jolteon sniffed his hand and then rub her head onto his side of the hand.

(Y/N): I love it! Thanks dad.

(D/N): Now if you excuse me, I got to do some cleaning. You and Jolteon go play.

The two of them go to (Y/N)'s room and (D/N) started loading the dishes into the dishwasher.

(Y/N): Welcome to my room.

Jolteon sniffed around and saw a beanbag and jumped on it. (Y/N) picks up the video game he got for his birthday, from the bed. He was about to sit down on the beanbag chair but Jolteon won't share it with him.

(Y/N): I see you gotten comfortable on my seat.

Jolteon rolled her back on the beanbag chair and almost fell off of it from all the rolling. (Y/N) giggled at the Pokemon and open the video game case then takes out the disk. What's the game he got? Well it's Farcry: New Vegas. A totally real game that exist.

(Y/N): You know I could've gotten the game when it was released. But, I didn't have enough money to buy it.

Jolteon: Jolt.

(Y/N): Good thing one of my friends bought it for me on my special day.

After a few hours of gaming, (Y/N) was getting tired and he has work in the morning. Saving and saving twice, (Y/N) turned off the game console and TV. He gets up and stretches, then looks at Jolteon, who's fast asleep. Changing into comfortable sleepwear, (Y/N) gets into his bed slept. (Y/N) wakes up to his alarm beeping and put it on snooze. Laying there, staring at the ceiling. He closed his eyes and drifts back to sleep. Then the alarm was on again 10 multiple later. Getting up from his bed, he gets some clothes ready for a shower. Some of the noise he made, woke Jolteon from her sleep.

Jolteon: Jolteon?

(Y/N): Sorry I woke you. Just getting ready for work.

Jolteon's stomach made a audible grumble and (Y/N) heard it.

(Y/N): I'll give you something to eat until I can buy you Pokemon food.

He takes his clothes and goes out the room and into the bathroom. Jolteon follows him but can't get into the bathroom, so she sits and wait and sometimes claw at the door to make him come out quicker. Some minutes passed and (Y/N) comes out the bathroom.

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now