🍋✨Female Furfrou X Male Jewel Thief Reader

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(Story contains collar and leash kink)

News Anchor: This is the most important event in Human and Pokemon history, folks! The first ever jewelry, has been found and repolished by the famous multi millionaire, Genevieve. People all over are coming to see the display at the mansion!

The TV gets turned off.

???: And that's where we'll steal it!

???: Alright everyone, front in center!

The crew of thieves and their Pokemon came.

???: This will be the heist of the century! We'll be stealing that jewelry and sell it in the black market. Millions of Pokedollars is our goal, but we have to overcome some obstacles.

Everyone got a bit excited.

???: Now let's go through the plan for the last time. I want this to be perfect, no one getting caught or getting themselves killed in the process.

The leader of thieves went to each heister and reminded them their role in the heist.

???: Mario, you are our demoman for the job. You and your Pokemon will be in the underground sewers, planting explosives and blowing a hole for us to make our escape.

Mario: Sounds nasty, but it'll be worth it.

???: Connie, you are on hacking duty. Making sure police and bodyguards at the mansion have zero knowledge of our operation.

Connie: Turning a blind eye on the obvious.

???: Jackie, you are our getaway driver after we get out of the sewers.

Jackie: Sounds so fucking simple.

???: And finally the ground team, including myself. Walter, Dallas, (Y/N) and me are going after the jewel.

Walter: Let's get it over it! I can't wait!

Dallas: I remember you saying that, after I leave your dead body.

Walter: Keep it up, I'll show everyone in the room what dead medic look like!

???: Dallas, Walter! Shut the fuck up!

(Y/N): Dwight is right. We need to be cooperative, if we're going to get that jewel from that old hag. Keep our eyes on the prize!

Dwight: Even our recruit has more brains than you two combined.

Both Walter and Dallas looked at (Y/N) and think he's a ass kisser to Dwight. Dwight checked his watch and it was almost time for the event to start.

Dwight: Everyone! It's almost starting, grab your gear and get into positions!

The heisters get ready. The ground team get in the van and drive out of their hideout, while the others go in separate vehicles to get in position. During the drive, (Y/N)'s phone started ringing.

Dallas: Are you fucking kidding me right now?!

(Y/N): Relax, it's my mom calling. She calls me about her cable not working.

He gets out his phone and answered.

(Y/N): Mom, I'm busy with a appointment.... Oh? Wi-Fi problem? Check under the table, then plug it up... No there's no hackers in the Wi-Fi box, you need to stop listening to those conspiracy theories. Oh and the password is blue van-

Dallas: Hang up. Now!

(Y/N): Sorry mom, I gotta go. Love you and I'll call you when I get home from the appointment, bye!

He hangs up and Dallas gave (Y/N) a suspicious look. But it goes away when they get near the mansion. They get out and put a timed C4 to explode and it'll be a distraction later.

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now