Female Totodile X Male Florida Kid Reader

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(Warning, in this story YOU are in Florida) ( Pokemon requested by @AlvaroHazard7)

You may have heard the game; legend of Zelda. But what if the hero isn't saving Hyrule? What if... The place that needs saving is The Sunshine State.

The Legend Of Florida!

Our journey takes place in Jacksonville Florida. A run down church turned to a home for the homeless. Inside in one of the rooms, is a boy fast asleep on a makeshift cardboard bed. Then a loud knock on the wall awoke him from his peaceful rest.

???: What was that?!

He gets up from the bed and investigate the sound. Exiting out the room, the boy saw his neighbors surrounding something. Curious, the boy goes to see what was going on.

???: I'm just a Pokemon Professor! I don't have any drugs!

Hobo 1: You taken the wrong turn then!

Hobo 2: Check his briefcase!

Then a loud gunshot stopped everyone in their tracks.

???: What's this yelling all about? I'm trying to take a nap.

Hobo 1: Some Professor comes in our home with hopefully, some of the good stuff.

???: I'm the one who call the shots around here! Leave that man alone and let him do his job. If any of you know what a job is.

The crowd of hobos leave the Professor alone and he gets up and walked over to the person who saved him.

???: Thank you so much! I'm here to deliver a Pokemon for....

He checked his letter.

???: A (Y/N)?

(Y/N): That would be me!

The boy runs to the Professor and was excited to know what the professor wants.

Professor Andrew : I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Professor Andrew. I'm here to give you a Pokemon!

(Y/N): Wow! Can you believe this Grandma Evelyn?!

Evelyn: Sure, whatever (Y/N). I'll talk to the Professor in private while you decide your Pokemon.

Professor Andrew puts the briefcase on a table and goes to talk with Evelyn. (Y/N) approach the briefcase and opened it, revealing three pokeballs. Each one is labeled by the Pokemon's name and their type. (Y/N) thought long and hard, until he decided to choose Totodile, a water type Pokemon. Releasing it from the pokeball, the small Pokemon looks at (Y/N) and was waiting for him to do something.

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N), what's your name?

He had his hand out to shake it's hand, but the Pokemon had another way of greeting.

???: Totodile!

The Pokemon bit the hand of (Y/N) and thankfully it wasn't to hard, otherwise (Y/N) would be bleeding hard. Then the Professor and the grandmother come back and see the bite mark on (Y/N)'s hand.

Evelyn: See? I told you he isn't ready for that.

Professor Andrew: Yes but "he" told me to give it to him.

Evelyn: So that man finally noticed..

(Y/N): It bit me...

Professor Andrew: Well Totodile does that a lot. You have to be careful with her or she'll take your whole hand away.

(Y/N): Can I name her?

Professor Andrew: Of course! It is your Pokemon after all.

(Y/N): I'll name her..... Pizza!

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now