🍋Female Jirachi X Male Peasant Reader

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(WARNING! This story includes; Transformation, Breast expansion and Ass expansion)

Year 1400 AD.

In a village of roughly 20-25 villagers, most are farmers most others are just traders. At night, they go to the tavern and drink away the night. Not everyone has an occupation, not even food either. In a shack in the woods, a man struggling to sleep with an empty stomach. A Caterpie crawled by, seeing this as an opportunity he grabbed a piece of wood and bashed the Pokemon's head. But it release a foul smell from it's head. He threw the bug Pokemon outside and flock of bird Pokemon ate it without worry about the smell. He lied back down in his "bed" and went back to sleep. In the morning, he goes to the river that's by the village to get a drink of water. He looked into his reflection and sighed.

(Y/N): Just beg and hope they don't throw rocks at you (Y/N).

His clothes were tattered, covered in dust. His body was thin from all the nights he didn't eat. Heading to the village, he placed himself in a corner and grabbed a wooden bowl from the ground.

(Y/N): Spare some coin? Please? Anyone?

For the half the day, everyone ignored him. Then 2 men were wheeling a cart full of apples and an apple fall off the cart. (Y/N) was too hungry to think and stole the apple.

Man: Thief!

(Y/N): Uh oh!

(Y/N) ran away as two of them chased him. Not wanting to lead them back to his shack, he goes to a different direction to a part of the woods he never explored before. He tripped and fall to a creek. He was hurt but heard his pursuers coming up, so he played dead.

Man: There he is! Well.. he's dead. It's a beggar, no one would care about him. Let's head back before we lose our profit.

(Y/N) laid there for 2 minutes before getting up. He looked at the apple and had a wide smile. Before taking a bite, there was something on the corner of his eyes. A building! Though he wasn't very adventurous, there could be something of use in there! Trekking through the creek and opening the door of the building. It was old and falling apart, just like his shack. But it feels like this was a place of religion. There's paintings of Arceus and other God-like Pokemon aka legendaries. At the center of the room is shell made out of crystals. When he got closer, he tripped and scrape his leg on some debris.

(Y/N): Damn it!

Then he realized he swore in a church. He prayed to Arceus for forgiveness but while he was praying, the crystal shell start glowing it open. Once he was done praying, he looked at the crystal shell and it was opened.

(Y/N): Did.. I angered the god?!

???: Nah, you just woke me up.

He was startled by the sudden voice and see the source of the voice behind him.

???: Hi, you must be (Y/N).

(Y/N): H-How did you-

???: I can read your mind.

(Y/N): That means your a god!

???: Whoa buddy! I'm a goddess. But I'm still powerful.

(Y/N) bowed at the goddess.

(Y/N): Please forgive me! I'm just a innocent peasant. I didn't mean to awake you.

???: Oh brother not these people again. Ok, I'm ok with it! Besides it's going to happen anyway. Now get up!

He stands and sees the goddess is crossing her arms.

Jirachi: My name is Jirachi, the wishing Pokemon!

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now