Female Duskull X Male Unpopular Reader

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(Character requested by AmeerTron)

School, a place to learn and experience. Everyone goes there at one point in their lives. But not everyone goes there for education, but for socializing with others. Humans are social creatures, they require the attention needed so they don't feel empty inside. But not everyone gets that attention. Some are at the bottom of the barrel of the popularity scale.

???: Today is the day... I can be with the popular kids. Just stay calm and try not to vomit!

He said and his body wants to throw up from the amount of nervousness he has. Approaching the lunch table with the popular kids, they are surrounded by other kids who praise them for being popular. When he got close, they immediately looked at him with confusion.

???: Sorry, I think you got the wrong table.

???: The rejects are over there.

One of them pointed at a table that is empty.

???: But no one's there.

???: Exactly! You are a reject!

They laughed. He took a deep breath and slammed his tray at the table, getting their attention.

???: I found the old tunnel in woods near the park, the same one the infamous serial killer used.

That got their attention.

???: Old tunnel? As in, the old tunnel that no one has ever found?

???: The same one that the serial killer hide at 20 years ago?!

???: That's right, I found it.

They speak each other quietly, then one of them made room for him to sit at the table.

???: What's your name?

(Y/N): (Y/N).

Liam: I'm Liam. The pretty girl is Anna.

Anna: Hi~

Liam: And those two are twins, Cara and Craig.

They pushed up their sunglasses and nod at (Y/N).

Anna: So did you really found the tunnel?

(Y/N): I have, yes.

Liam: Then show us, after school.

(Y/N): R-Really?

Liam: Yeah, I wanna see that tunnel!

Anna: Me too!

Cara and Craig both gave a thumbs up.

(Y/N): Ok. It's kinda far.

After school, they went out to the back of the school. The group walked all the way to the park and into the woods. During this, they asked (Y/N) on how he found it.

Liam: Couldn't just stumbled upon it, there's something more to it.

(Y/N): My mom is a investigator, I saw the files she left behind and there's a picture of the tunnel.

Liam: That makes... Sense?

(Y/N): Yeah definitely! This totally makes me cool, right guys?

Cara and Craig shrugged.

Anna: We'll need to see it first!

(Y/N) moved some bushes and they went through the hole. Upon emerging from the other side of the bush, they found the old tunnel. It has police tape around the entrance and it was convincing for the popular kids to pull off their phones and record it.

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now