🍋 Female Emolga X Male Amazon delivery driver Reader

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Late in the afternoon, a young man was browsing through the internet, looking at various pictures of people his age are successful and rich. Then, he heard something land on a tree outside. Opening the window, the Pokemon flew in and landed on the on the shoulder of the young man.

???: How's your flight?

Emolga: Emolga!

The Pokemon nuzzles it's head against the man. Then the door opened and a woman comes up and grab him by the ear.

???: (Y/N) (L/N)!

(Y/N): Mom! What now?

(M/N): What now? You've been living with us for 3 months now. You haven't gotten a job, or even ways to make money. All you do all day is stay in your room and watch porn all day!

(Y/N): Not ALL DAY!

She tightened her grip on his ear, making him feel more pain. The Emolga was about to attack the mom but (Y/N) grabbed the Pokemon just in time.

(M/N): Your father wants to see, so let's go!

She pulled him out the room.

(Y/N): Ow! Ow! That hurts!

She brought him to the living and made him sit on the couch. Across from him is his dad, with bills in his right hand.

(D/N): Son, it's time for you to get a job. The internet bill is way too high since you started living with us.

(Y/N): I've been doing research.

(D/N): A college dropout doing research? What kind?

(Y/N): Uhm... Did you know that Emolga live on treetops and glide using the inside of a cape-like membrane while discharging electricity.

(D/N): That's not really research. You just googled that information because of your pet, Emolga.

(Y/N): I kinda have to. Since she's a gift from my Ex-girlfriend, I need to learn everything about this Pokemon.

(D/N): Well it's time for you to get a job. You can't live off us anymore, and you need to pull your weight around here.

(Y/N): I don't want to work! I'm trying to find ways to get a quick buck while barley doing anything.

(D/N): That's the problem of this generation, no hard work and never understanding a true value of working with your hands.

(Y/N): Ok. Name some stuff that my generation do.

(D/N): Arceus.. Where do I begin? Social medias like, Onlyfans, Instagram, Tik-Tok, Twitch, YouTube and Reddit. That's right, I did my research. You people do the simplest things and get paid millions, while us hard working folk get paid with half of it. But today, my son will work from the bottom and he'll work his way up.

(Y/N): Dad! Your such a fucking BOOMER!

(M/N) slapped him in mouth.

(M/N): You better watch it, because you still live under me and his roof.

(Y/N): Fine... What's my options?

(D/N): Either work at McDonald's or Amazon.

(Y/N): I'm not going to be a wage cuck!

(D/N): There is another way for you, it's called pack your bags and find your own house.

(Y/N): ....

(D/N): What's it going to be?

(Y/N): I'll try Amazon...

(D/N): Good, go make your application. If I don't see any money by the end of the month-

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now