🍋Female Primarina X Male Ex-Sailor Reader

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After the incident at Antarctica, government officials has considered the incident as embarrassment. They found all the crew and ship, but all the money has lost its worth. They checked off everyone who was found, but one wasn't found yet. Meanwhile in a small town, a mail man dropped off a mail in the mailbox. A old woman came out the house and checked the mail. That woman was (Y/N)'s mother.

(M/N): Bills, cooking magazines, hmm?

A small letter was in it. Going inside, she opened the letter.

"Hi mom, it's me... I.. don't know what to say but this is going to be the last time you here from me. I don't want to do this either, but I have to protect you from the shame. I love you mom and please, stay safe out there. It's a messed up world, but find the bright side - (Y/N)"

(M/N) was shocked by the letter. Did he go AWOL and the government is after him? Or something really bad happened and he didn't want to tell her in person. A week has passed and (Y/N) and Melody has arrived to the aloha region. The warm summer breeze was something (Y/N) missed. Parking the boat at a small island, Melody and (Y/N) explore the island. There was a cave, some tall grass and on top is a alter. Judging from the stone sculpture, it's resembles the sun.  Returning to the boat, they unpacked and made camp at the island.

(Y/N): Melody, can you pass me the hammer?

Melody: Primarina!

She gave him the hammer and she receives a head pat. Once he was done with the tent, (Y/N) laid down on the grass and watched the clouds go by.

(Y/N): I hope she read the letter, it's hard enough to move on without remembering that night.

Melody laid down with him and placed her hands on his chest.

Melody: Prim, Primarina.

(Y/N): At least I have you, Melody.

Melody used Sing and it put (Y/N) to sleep. Hours later, he woke up as the sun was going down. Melody was on top of him and she too was asleep. Carefully moving her off if him, he gets up and made a campfire. Using some sticks, some of the tall grass, rocks to not spread the fire, and finally a lighter to lit it up. The fire was nice and toasty! (Y/N) crack open a can of corn beef with some rice. Using a small pot, he placed both the beef and rice and add some water in there as well. Giving it a good stir while adding seasoning in the stew. The smell caught Melody's nose and stomach. Waking up to see her human putting some food in a metal bowl. He placed the bowl in front of Melody and goes to feed himself. Melody ate the food before (Y/N) could even taste his.

Melody: Primarina.

(Y/N): Seconds?

She nudged the bowl to him.

Melody: Primarina!

(Y/N): Alright, but I have to eat too you know.

He pour some in her bowl and hand it to her. After eating, they slept in tent. During the night, Melody was feeling hot, the heat was getting annoying. She tried to wake up the human but everytime she touched his skin, the heat gets more intense.

Melody: Prima...

She laid her head on his chest and can hear his soft breathing. It kinda calmed down the heat but it wasn't enough. In the morning, (Y/N) woke up with Melody on him. He thought it was cute so he stroke her head. Taking her off of him, he gets out the tent and took a deep breath.

(Y/N): It's better than breathing in cold air.

That's when Melody came out the tent.

(Y/N): Morning Melody.

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now