🍋Female Mismagius X Male Youtuber Reader

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4 months later things have changed in the house. (Y/N) became a YouTuber, (M/N) and (D/N) have a bit of a failing relationship and Mismagius? Well.... She has a new form but also new abilities. When it's night, she would be in the basement with (Y/N) but she does chanting and even making potions. Whenever her chanting become louder than usual, (Y/N) had to tell her to quiet down while he edits his videos. She would listen but continues just to annoy him. One day Mismagius snuck out of her home and went to the nearby woods. The reason? She practice at night to train herself to use her moves. Mismagius used many stat moves and even conjured up Hex on a rock. It barely did anything but she needed more practice. When she returned to home, she can arguing coming inside. She fazed through the wall and saw the two humans verbally shouted at each other. Then she sees her human friend sitting at the table eating alone. She went behind him and surprised him by licking his ear. He wasn't ready for that and quickly took off his white strings out of his ears.

(Y/N): You know I don't like that.

Mismagius: Magius~

She tried to look innocent but soon they heard a vase dropped to the floor, crashing and shattering. (Y/N) and Mismagius looked back and saw a flower vase broken and both parents stormed off to opposites of the house. The bedroom and front door slammed and (Y/N) got up from the table. He and Mismagius went to the living room and looked at the broken vase.

(Y/N): They don't usually fight this much, maybe they're going through something I won't understand.

Mismagius: Misma?

(Y/N): Unless you got some "magical powers" to make them stop, I would love that.

Love? Mismagius don't understand love, yet curious to know more. She helped her human to clean up the vase and vacuumed the remaining dirt of the carpet. They returned in the basement and (Y/N) recorded another video, this time a commentary video. He was discussing a serious topic while having gameplay in the video. Mismagius did her usual chanting but soon left the room and go upstairs. Then the parents was in the their bedroom and yet again, they're still arguing. Mismagius started muttering some chants and the two humans held their heads in pain. She even made them sleep and  liked how they were in pain then now asleep. Mismagius would use this for tomorrow and the house was quiet. The human wanted quiet, she kept the promise to him. (Y/N) was on his bed watching videos while Mismagius continue making chants. She even used the empty Red Tauros cans as experimental potions.

(Y/N): Mismagius?

Mismagius: Mis?

(Y/N): Mom and dad has been to quiet lately. I'm not complaining or anything, but I've been making our food and still haven't seen them.

Mismagius was getting nervous, the  chants she did maybe a curse instead. She play it cool and pretended be worried too. (Y/N) and Mismagius went to the parent's room and knocked on the door. He opened it and see them sick.

(M/N): Can you keep the noise down? My head hurts.

(Y/N): What's going on?

(D/N): Were sick.

(Y/N): Do you guys need anything?

Both of them needed water and they got them water from the kitchen and they left them in their room.

(Y/N): I hope they get better, let's head back to basement.

The two went back to the basement, where (Y/N) decided to go LIVE on YouTube.

(Y/N): Alright, it's your turn what I play.

Mismagius went to shelf of games and got out game and showed it to (Y/N).

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now