🍋 Female Charizard X Male Reader

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(Disclaimer: This story has depression, trauma, suicidal thoughts and self strangulation. If your not comfortable with that, please read another story.)

6 years later.....

(Y/N) was walking through a town. A town that's purple. The people here are.. strange. When (Y/N) was about to ask one of them for directions, instead they talk about how they miss their Pokemon. Feeling desperate, he asked a little girl for directions. But she wouldn't help him, instead she asked him a creepy question.

Do you believe in ghost?




A cold chill came to (Y/N). His body was freezing, but he had to answer the question to know what happens next. Saying no, the little girl giggled.

Hahaha, I guess not. The hand on your shoulder it's not real.



Before (Y/N) knew it, he woke up. The cold sweat, running down his face made it obvious that it was too much for (Y/N). Looking around, he slowly remembers where he's at. MT Silver, the place where him and his Pokemon live at for the past 6 years. Somehow, living in a mountain isn't that bad. Especially if you make the caves your home, away from home. He gets up from his makeshift bed, and changed into his clothes. He walked through the lit cave and even pass the Bulbasaur, now a Venusaur. He looked way better than before. But sometimes he doesn't feel well and get sick one day. No one knows what sickness he has but everyone is doing best to take care of him. (Y/N) takes a ladder down a hole and into small library.

???: Ah master, your awake! I sensed your "problem" from your dream.

(Y/N): I know Espeon, but it gets more confusing.

Espeon: Why don't you take a seat and explain it in detail for me.

(Y/N) sat down on a stool and Espeon dragged out a bean bag and sat on it.

Espeon: Now, start from the beginning.

(Y/N): ....

Espeon: Take your time.

He sighs but feel slight pain in his throat.

(Y/N): I was in a town. A purple town, everyone was... Strange.

Espeon: Like?

(Y/N): The only thing they talked about is death and how they miss their Pokemon. Then I approached a little girl, hoping she can help me find a way out. Before I asked, she asked me something. Something about ghost.

Espeon: Hmmm... Continue.

(Y/N): I told her no. Then a cold feeling came to me. I was freezing. I had to answer.... I said no, she giggled. The hand on my shoulder, that isn't mine. But I think I know who.

Espeon: It can't Gary. He's dead.

(Y/N): But his spirit is haunting me! I killed him and now he wants me to suffer.

(Y/N) put his head down. He stared at the ground, blaming himself.

Espeon: You didn't do it, Red did.

(Y/N): I'm responsible for that. If I stopped her.

Espeon: You would be dead. We all agreed that it was best to protect you and the Bulbasaur.

(Y/N): You didn't protect me from that one night.

4 years ago

(Y/N) and Charizard were sleeping together. The "dragon's" flaming tail made a great fire to keep them warm. Soon (Y/N) opened his eyes to see his Pokemon. He rubbed her head and kissed the top of her forehead. She smiled and opened her eyes. (Y/N) was expecting his Pokemon to cuddle but instead, he gets a nightmare version. Red looked dead, eyes are gone, teeth stained in blood. Before he says anything, Red wrapped her claws around his neck. (Y/N) struggled, his first Pokemon, his first friend. Is trying to take his life. Suddenly he felt two grassy vines on his hands pull away. It was Venusaur! But why is he... Turned out, Red wasn't chocking him, (Y/N) was choking himself and Venusaur stopped him. He was having a hard time breathing but when he tries to say a word. Nothing came out.

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now