Female Happiny X Male Bipolar Daycare Attendant Reader

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(Character requested by chancencrckrs954)

???: Name tag, check! Breath mints, check! A warm and friendly smile to welcome the kids and parents.... Check!

The young man was fixing his hair and clothes in front of a mirror. Making sure he's not looking like a bum and looking professional for his job. Then there's a knock at the door and he opened it.

???: About time, thought you wouldn't want to come out of the bathroom.

???: Hehe, sorry Dad. My first day of work and I want to leave a good first impression!

(D/N): I understand. Now get out, I need to use the bathroom too.

He went out of the bathroom to let his dad go in and then went to the kitchen. The smell of pancakes and scrambled eggs caught his nose. He sat down at the table and felt something tugging his shirt.

???: Happiny?

???: Good morning, Valerie! How's my favorite pokemon doing on this beautiful morning?

Valerie: Happiny!

Then, a plate of food gets placed in front of him.

???: This really is a beautiful morning. Too bad you'll be inside the mall to enjoy it.

???: No worries Mom! I can enjoy it during my lunch break.

(M/N): Alright, but make sure you bring your medicine too.

???: Will do!

He eats his food while sometimes playing with his Pokemon. After finishing his breakfast, he goes to grab his lunch that his mom made for him. While peaking inside, (D/N) came out the bathroom and have his keys in his hands.

(D/N): Ready to go?

???: Absolutely!

Before leaving, (M/N) made a audible cough to get their attention.

(M/N): Medicine?

She was holding the pill bottle and tossed it to her son. He caught it and put it in his pocket.

???: See you later, Mom!

He gave her a warm smile before he and (D/N) leave. They got to the car and both of them get in. They drove away from the house while Valerie watched from the window. (M/N) came and take her away and placed her on the chair in the kitchen.

(M/N): Now that their gone for work, we should do the same. Our shift is starting in a few minutes.

Valerie: Happiny.

Later, the car arrives at the mall. (D/N) is quite impressed by the size of the building.

(D/N): Look at the size of the place! I can get easily lost here.

???: Good thing they have maps to show you where you are, at all times.

They parked near the entrance and (D/N) gave his son a pat on the back.

(D/N): Good luck on your first day.

???: Thanks dad! I appreciate it!

He leaves and (D/N) smile.

(D/N): Boy is now a man... Welp, those deliveries aren't going to deliver themselves.

He got his phone and logged into his food delivery app. Then he drives away from the mall parking lot. Stepping inside the mall, it was full of people, even though it was early in the morning. That is when a staff member came over to the young man and introduced himself.

Frederick: Ah, you must be the new employee I've heard. I'm Fredrick.

(Y/N): (Y/N), and nice to meet you, sir.

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now