Female Buneary X Male College student Reader

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Announcement speaker: Attention all students, due to the art class being on fire, all Pokemon must be kept in dorms. Any Pokemon battling in the college grounds will be suspended. That's is all.

Then a door opened revealing a guy and a bunny. He turned on the lights and put his backpack on the bed. The bunny and the guy sat at a desk and pulled out a laptop.

(Y/N): Buneary, I can't believe they actually set the art class on fire.

Buneary: Bun!

(Y/N): Heh, yeah. Well I need to do this assignment.

Buneary played with her pink bouncing ball. Even though the college rules is no big pokemon, some still walk around with Snorlaxs and Trevenants. But some have small Pokemon, like (Y/N). He graduated high school and before he went to college, his dad got him a Pokemon. It was Buneary! She and (Y/N) didn't get along at first during the first few days at college. Then they simply became close friends. Buneary bounced the ball to hard and it went flying through the door and into the hallway. Buneary ran to go get it while (Y/N) was still typing on his laptop. Buneary found the ball but before she can pick it up, a Eevee picked it up first and ran away with it. The Buneary chased after the Eevee and the Pokemon ran in the room where (Y/N) was. The Eevee jumped on the desk and it caught (Y/N) off guard.

(Y/N): What the?!

Eevee: Eevee!

The Buneary came in and saw the Pokemon on her human friend's desk. A fight broke out but someone called the Eevee.

???: Eevee? Where are you?

Then a woman came in the room.

???: Eevee there you are!

She picked up the Pokemon and took the pink ball out of it's mouth and put the ball on the desk.

???: Sorry about this little rascal.

(Y/N): Oh! H-Hello miss Dean.

Cynthia: You  don't have to call me miss Dean, I'm Cynthia.

(Y/N): I'm (Y-... Uh... ,Uhm.

Cynthia: Hehe, don't let my presence scare you.

(Y/N)'s eyes looked at her features. She had a body of a model, like the sexiest woman in college. Though she has a suit on, her hips is enough to make a gay man straight! (Sarcasm, don't take it seriously)

Cynthia: Well I better give this Eevee back to it's owner.

(Y/N): B-B-Bye!

She just giggled and walks out the room. (Y/N) was never good at talking with females, he would stutter and tried to look away. After that, Buneary noticed the human's face was getting red. She went through the backpack and got a water bottle, bitting the side to open it.

Buneary used water bottle.

The water made (Y/N) snapped back to reality.

(Y/N): Buneary!

Buneary made a cute face to get herself out trouble.

(Y/N): Look, don't do it again.

Buneary: Eary.

When it was night, (Y/N) opened a small bag of Pokemon food, looked up some playlists for Buneary to listen to so she doesn't get bored. Got another water bottle from the vending machine.

(Y/N): Ok Buneary, I got a night class to attend. Be good for me ok?

Buneary was in a warm blanket and just vibing to the music. (Y/N) closed the door and locked it and went to his class. The class he gone to is a economics and planned to make a business. 2 whole hours passed and it was time to go. While walking back to his dorm, he felt a cold chill on his back. He checked behind him and it was nothing. Then he a random hand grabbed his leg, (Y/N) almost pissed himself from the fear he's experiencing. Then the trees had eyes and mouths. One of them picked him up and (Y/N) thought he was going to die, he never become a rich business man, he'll never see his family and Buneary. He's going to die as a virgin! Then the Trevenant didn't eat him... Then he heard laughing. Some punks and goths had the Pokemon put (Y/N) down. (Y/N) was so embarrassed then his luck got him again, the Dean walked by and saw the whole thing. Cynthia scolded them for what they did and the Pokemon needs be in a pokeball or in the dorm. She went to (Y/N) to see if he's hurt.

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now