🍋Female Audino Nurse X Male Walmart Employee Reader

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(Character requested by Lobeliabruh & livedenight2nite)

(Story contains some kinky medical stuff like; Aggressive Handjob, Sounding, and another kinky thing I won't spoil here. But also some other kinks; Deep throating, Anal fucking, Cumshots. If you're not into these, please read another story.)

As the sun rises, it's rays shine into everyone's homes. One home in particular, has a person sleeping peacefully. Not even the rays of the bright ball of hydrogen and helium can disturb his slumber. That's when someone entered his room. They quietly make their way to the bed. They had a bucket of ice with them. Lifting the bucket and taking the covers off, they poured the ice on top of the sleeping man. His eyes quickly opened and widen. The sheer cold made him yell and scramble off the bed. Unfortunately, he slipped on some ice and fell on the floor.

???: You just got pranked little brother!

The voice reminded him, he's living with the worst person in the world in his eyes. His older sister.

???: GET OUT!

???: Fine! I got some pancakes cooking and you need to do the eggs, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Where's mom?

???: Asleep on the couch. Y'know, nightshift?

(Y/N): .... I'll be there in a bit..

She takes the bucket of ice and leave the room. Then she came back and was about to close the door until she spoke.

???: It's your first day of work. Don't forget your uniform. Again!

The older sister slammed the door and a picture next to it fell off and hit the ground. Luckily it didn't shatter and (Y/N) got up and wipe the bits of ice on himself. Then he grabbed his phone from the charger and checked his schedule for his job. He has some time before his shift starts. Putting on his clothes and deodorant, (Y/N) take out the uniform from the closet and he sighed.

(Y/N): My first day at Walmart... Hope it isn't bad as people say it is online.

Putting on the vest and name tag, he straighten his hair before leaving the room and go to the kitchen.

???: Took you long!

(Y/N): Yeah, yeah... I'm doing fried or scrambled eggs?

???: Hmm... I'm in the mood for scrambled.

(Y/N) makes the eggs while his older sister finish making the pancakes. Getting the plates and pouring the food on them. They sat at the table and eat, then their mom comes in and sat down between them.

(Y/N): Good morning mom.

(M/N): No sir... The bathroom is occupied and...

She starts falling asleep, then (Y/N) snapped his fingers. (M/N) immediately awoken and the sister hands her a cup of coffee.

???: You need your energy to take care of us.

(M/N): Yeah maybe we do have extra popcorn... No you can't bring your own snacks..

(M/N) slowly put her head down on the table. Then she started to snore.

(Y/N): Just an average day for our mom! Am I right, Marcy?

Marcy: C'mon and eat, you're going to be late.

They eat their food and finished. (Y/N) and Marcy hugged their mom and leave the house. Marcy used her keys to unlock her car and they get in. Putting on their seatbelts and closing the door, Marcy drive out of the driveway and drive to (Y/N)'s job.

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now