🍋Female Indeedee X Male Babysitter Reader

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(Character Requested by Lobeliabruh )

???: But mom!

???: No buts Kris! Just wait till your father comes home from work!

Kris sat in the backseat of the car, trembling from what his father will do to him.

Kris's Mom: I had to cancel my nail appointment, just to pick you up from school. I should let you walk home instead! You're lucky, I'm the nicer parent.

They drive to a gated community, the mom pressed a gate opener button in her car and gate opened. They drive in and soon made it to the house. Kris and his mom go in the house and see their Pokemon eating from their fridge.

Kris's Mom: I told you to keep your Snorlax in her room!

Kris: I'm sorry! She must've gotten out again.

He grabbed the PokeBall from the kitchen counter and called her back in.

Kris's Mom: And you left her PokeBall in the kitchen too?!

Kris could not catch a break. Meanwhile, in a fast food restaurant parking lot. A man bringing a huge tray of food to his van. It opened and it was a Indeedee.

???: You got everything this time?

???: Yeah! They even have a ice cream machine in there. It had vanilla, chocolate and strawberry flavors!

They sit in the back of the van.

???: That's why you're the best, (Y/N)!

The Pokemon starts eating the junk food.

(Y/N): You know it, Pigtails!

He too partake in the junk food eating.

Pigtails: So.... Anyone wanting our babysitting business?

(Y/N): Unfortunately no. I refreshed the website while waiting in line. No one wants to hire us right now...

Pigtails: They need to hire us! How else are we going to pay for our home!

(Y/N) looked around the van, it's decorated and somewhat furnished to look like a small home. In a van.

(Y/N): We just have to be patient.

Pigtails: For how long?!

(Y/N): I don't know.... Maybe we can try begging for money by the church.

Pigtails: Which church? You gotta be specific.

(Y/N): The one that has the nice people and the building looks very well kept.

Pigtails: Oh good... I was a little scared when that... "Other church" came to mind.

(Y/N) and Pigtails shuddered.

(Y/N): It's terrifying to think, that preacher burned half of it and died. Now it's haunted and I don't want to think about it anymore!

Pigtails: Me too!

Later on the day, Kris's Dad came home from work and had his son come into his study room. After giving his son the belt, Kris's Dad poured himself a small cup of whiskey.

Kris's Dad: What you did in school today was just.... Embarrassing.

Kris: .....

Kris's Dad: Are you stupid? I get it we live in a era, where being gay is ok. But, those things you're looking at, is distracting you from school. Especially in school! We are the richest family in town, and people will spread the word, that our son has a porn addiction! Do you have any idea how that will effect our public image?!

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now