Female Popplio X Male Sailor Reader

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???: Attention all crew, we're passing by Antarctica. Expect a few crashes through the frozen waters, but that shouldn't stop you from resuming your duties.

After the Intercoms, the crew and their Pokemon continued doing work around the ship, all but one. The hatch door opened and one of the cremates climbed down. He looked around and turn on the lights. Waking up the crew member who was asleep.

Crew member: (Y/N) get your ass up!

(Y/N), who was under the covers, placed the pillow on his face.

(Y/N): 5 more minutes...

Then the ship rumbled and it made (Y/N) fall out of bed.

(Y/N): Ok... I'm up.

The crew member threw him a coat.

Crew member: The captain wants us to have coats, because of the weather.

(Y/N): Fine. Now can you leave?

Crew member: Whatever, don't know why they let a newbie like you in the ship.

He left and (Y/N) gets up from the cold steel floor. He goes to his small closet and change into his uniform but with a coat with it. Looking in the mirror, he salutes and sits down on his sleeping cot, pulling out his journal and writing it.

'Day 26, Being in a ship while others don't appreciate your "work". They don't realize I have to sleep down here to make sure nothing goes wrong with the water purification, electricity and putting out any fires that happen down here. I did burn my hand last time but it stopped hurting so that's good news. The bad news it's my turn for mopping poop deck tonight. I hope my letter to my mom gets to her, I want her to know how I'm doing and not drowning in Sharpedo infested waters. I'll be back to write some more, I gotta get some food, I'm starving for some bread and butter! '

After that, he puts the journal away and climbed up the hatch door and now was in the crew's quarters. Passing by his fellow crewmates and their Pokemon until finally at the cafeteria. Grabbing his tray and getting the food he wants. Sitting down at a table and eating his food, some other crewmates are challenging each other to a Pokemon battles.

(Y/N): The winner gets toilet duty.

He said to himself, not wanting to start something in the room. After done eating, he threw away his tray and noticed one of the officers left their canned milk. Taking the opportunity and making sure nobody sees him, he snuck the milk into his coat and walked away like he didn't know anything. As he was walking away, he was stopped by the captain.

???: (Y/N).

(Y/N) salutes to the captain.

(Y/N): Yes captain Robert!

Robert: At ease sailor, I want you to join me in my cabin.

(Y/N): Yes sir.

At the Captain's cabin, Robert gave his usual speech about the reason why they're there. Something about a Pokemon species being hunted by a group of hunters and they must stopped them or they'll be extinct in the region. Robert turns his back and that was his mistake, (Y/N) "borrowed" a bottle Gin. Just in time when Robert look back at (Y/N).

Robert: Also... Have you been stealing our food? Some of the crew's food is "disappearing" and there isn't any ghost Pokemon here.

(Y/N): Why would I steal food?

Robert: Because that was in your report. You don't get along well with my crew, so you better have a good attitude or there will be consequences. Do you understand?

(Y/N): Yeah... I understand.

Robert: Also it's your turn to clean the deck outside tonight. DISMISSED!

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now