🍋Female Lopunny X Male Lonely Reader

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2 years passed and (Y/N) graduated from college. He and his Pokemon, Lopunny, have started a business with selling water bottles in a mall. Yeah, most of the employment in the area have been taken. So now he's a self employed in a mall, selling water. But the thing is... (Y/N) gotten really lonely. He didn't kept contact with Cynthia after graduation. Lopunny noticed the shift in personality from her friend. She tried to cheer him up with giving him some more attention and cuddling with him more often than being in the pokeball. But he would ignore her help and just continued to feel sad and alone. One day, (Y/N)'s water business have been shut down. Due to the economy screwing up and no has delivered any water to him. No job, the rent is has increased and his parents are on a vacation so he couldn't get any help from them. Using what's left in his account, (Y/N) bought a hotel room. It was small but it's better than being on the streets. Now that is taken care of, next is work.... (Y/N) gathered up some news papers and search for a job there. While looking, Lopunny played around the papers. Throwing them, making hats, tossing them in the air. That infuriated (Y/N), he took the papers away from her.

(Y/N): Can you take this seriously?!

Lopunny: Lopunny...

She got up and went into a corner. (Y/N) realized what he has done and felt bad about it. He moved the papers out of his way and went to Lopunny. Her sad expression didn't change but hugged him.

(Y/N): Sorry I yelled at you. It's getting harder for me to keep us from being in the streets.

Lopunny didn't understand but knows she's sorry.

(Y/N): Now go play with your ball, there's still somethings I haven't checked off yet.

That night was job hunting and Lopunny playing with her ball. Over the past 2 days, (Y/N) applied for work. Each one said the same thing: "We have enough employees right now, try (a different job name) there".  Coming back to the hotel room and almost gave up until... He overheard a commotion coming from outside. Looking through the blinds, the hotel manager was yelling at one of the maids. The said maid took his box and walked away. Then the manager put up a help wanted poster on his door. Is this opportunity calling? If so.. (Y/N) has to answer the call. Slipping on his slippers, he went out his hotel room and knocked on the manager"s door.


(Y/N): Uhm...

Manager: Oh sorry about that, I'm still pent-up. How can I help you Mr. (L/N)?

(Y/N): You had a help wanted and..

Manager: Say no more my boy! Your hired.

(Y/N): R-Really? That quickly too?!

Manager: Here's the keys and I expect you to get the job done well! Capiche?

(Y/N) nodded his head. Before going back to his apartment, his now new boss stopped him.

Manager: Also another rule, NO SEX WITH THE GUEST! I'm not running a brothel you know?!

(Y/N) speed walked to his hotel room and closed the door. He held up the keys and got an extra chance for work, maybe he can let Lopunny help him. Later, (Y/N) started the job and was folding and making up the beds. Lopunny did help, kinda. She was holding some cleaning products but she soon trip over and dropped them on the ground. Lucky it was plastic and didn't do much but, Lopunny did more than 3 times until (Y/N) realized she was a klutz. After work, (Y/N) laid in bed as Lopunny did some stretches after her "hard work". Lopunny climbed in the bed with (Y/N) and started snuggling with him.

(Y/N): I'm not in the mood. Go back to your pokeball or something..

He turned away and Lopunny was saddened even more. Her best friend didn't want to cuddle like they used too. Now he's getting warmth from the bed but Lopunny knows he needs warmth in his heart! The next day, (Y/N) and Lopunny continue the maid work. After more accidental drops of items, (Y/N) put her back in the pokeball for now and did the rest by himself. Walking out, he heard some whistling from his right and he looked... It was Cynthia!

18+ Female Pokemon (Both regular and humanoid) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now