Chapter 76

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After Gilga said this, Viyani then looked at him, with an unpleasant expression.

"What do you mean?"

Not looking back at her, Gilga replied.

"They're hiding something. And whatever it is, it isn't simple."

Hearing this, Viyani couldn't help but give Gilga a dubious expression.

She handled such situations for years and years to come. Such hyumans have always had that sort of hidden secret style with them.

So of course, she knows and made things on what to do when such situations arises.

But hearing it from Gilga, it's just simply... Confusing.

They have always prepared well when handling territory outside the UEE. Always keeping special units within the said territory's vicinity.

"This... You aren't being clear Sir Gilga."

Hearing this, Gilga could only sigh. He then said his next words before falling silent.

"Time will not help Miss Viyani... Only experience."

Seeing as Gilga went silent, Viyani simply threw the one and only matter to herself.

Though, his last words did indicated something to her. Gilga lived longer than her. Although she doesn't know his actual age she herself suspects that Gilga lived for nearly a thousand years now.

Also, from what she sees, Gilga himself could be on what could of be called as his best condition if not his prime one.

More so, It would be idiotic, if not childish to presume, that, his age could become a factor to his decisions.

Were elves, not hyumans.

The words alone could already say that both are different.

Shaking her head inwardly, Viyani could only give herself a downed sigh.

"Responsibilities, responsibilities..."

Just as Viyani was just thinking if such thoughts, Gilga then stopped and faced her as they approached a door.

As they approached, he then positioned himself on the other side of the door. Contrast to where Viyani is standing at.

Breathing in deeply, Viyani then affixed herself as her hand approaches the door knob.

However, before she could do so, the door, in front of her, blew up to pieces.

*Some time Earlier*

Looking at the ridiculous arsenal of weapons placed in front of them. The Emperor couldn't help but gulp.

The weapons placed in front of him all varied.

From bladed ones to bows and arrows. There were even some weapon models that they haven't seen before.

The king then motioned for one of the cloaked people to approach one of the weapons, in to the cloaked person's answer, heeded to it.

As the cloaked person began choosing what weapon to take in, Brando could tell that the person felt jittery. Judging by the constant twitching of his fingers.

After some time, the cloaked person then took his pick in to which, amused Brando a little. Making him smirk.

"A Barnett Ghost A-Xe10 Not a bad pick. Say, I'd like to ask, are you a hunter by any chance?"

The cloaked person looked at Brando and nodded his head.

After this, the cloaked person then looked Emperor Amir, in to which Emperor Amir then said,

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