Chapter 38

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The moment Molu gave the order to attack, the two magic cannons immediately lit up and fired. Likewise, the ordinary gunpowder cannons were also used.

The gunpowder cannons are bit similar to the 6-pounder gun used in the american civil war. Although it is a bit degraded since it's range is only 1067 yards or 975 meters.

Although it may be degraded, it could still cause a problem for Lucilia since her maximum range was only 800 meters.

Squinting her eyes, Lucilia raised both of her hands. The moment she did so, a long horizontal set of magic circles appeared on the water.

After the magic circles were set, columns of earth were immediately formed, raising themselves high in the air.

After doing this, she then pointed her finger to the direction of Molu's ship.

A small magic circle appeared on her finger, that was then followed by another magic circle, and another, with each magic circle being larger than the other.

When the magic circle, large enough to cover the damage stern, was formed, Lucilia then said,

"Blessing of the earth, Markoth's wall."

The Golden magic circles immediately turned red, then black clusters of molten rock then formed on each magic circle.

Each cluster was emitting smoke and varying degrees of heat are sensed.

In the eyes of others, the largest magic circle seems to be the coolest while the smallest magic circle seems to be the hottest.

At the same time, she coughed up blood. She then murmured the words,

"A price for everything."


When the beams erected by the magic cannons made contact with the wall Lucilia made, it only broke through one layer which shocked the remaining pirates in the vicinity.

Only person however, had a different expression.

It was Molu.

And his expression clearly displays that of fear.

"That wall!!"

"It's this damn wall again!!"

He then hastily said to one of his men,

"Put more power on the cannons. Now!"

When that person heard this, he felt incredulous as well as confused. They only have limited resources to use the cannons, inputting more now would or probably use everything they have as of the moment.

"But captain, if we put more now, I'm afraid that the resources we have would-"

Molu then took his scimitar with magic engravings off it's scabbard and pointed it at that person.

"I don't care! Do the order now or you'll do it without hands."

After Molu said this, every single person on the ship immediately heeded to his orders. Fear plastered on their faces.

They did not understand why their captain would act like this. From the very beginning he had a calm face, a face saying that victory has been sought. But now....

What happened?

Molu looked around, feeling uneasy. Although he is uncertain to fight Grandel magicians on the water, he himself is sure that not every Grandel magician use such skill.

In the past, his fleet numbered hundreds and hundreds of ships, but due to this magic art, those hundreds became nothing but a distant past.

Just because of the magic art, Markoth's wall, was not that of the tertiary stage, but that of the volcanic class of the earth element. A stage higher than the Grandel.

Molu looked at Lucilia's direction, asking himself to her,

"Who are you?"


In the distant horizon from where the battle was ongoing, there was a group of six, moving at fast speeds.

(Author note: okay okay I get it, I was suppose to say flying and surfing but then it crossed my mind if it was surfing or swimming. So I just put fast speeds)

"Dammit! That b*tch killed her!"

"Shut it! Just think to get away as far as you could."

"But she killed her! We need to go back to avenge her.... To avenge them."

Looking at him coldly, the man in green robes said,

"If you truly wanted to avenge her, then why are you still running away? Oh, and please take note that you also left her to die."

Hearing this, the man was speechless, one of the mages that died back there was his fiance. However, facing a mage higher than himself took over him, making him unable to think properly.

Coming back to it, during that time, he only thought about on how to survive, on how to keep his life, nothing else. But now he deeply regretted it.

Looking at the man who was ranting on going back, now lowering his head, looking dejected, the man in green robes then coldly said,

"See. Now you just realized right. So shut it!"

After saying this, the man in green robes then looked forward, right straight into the horizon.

However, he suddenly noticed a peculiarity.

"What's...... That?"

Followed by his question, the other five also looked at the direction he was looking.

There they saw a dot, it was a small dot. It was probably just an ordinary bird in the distance. However, a few moments after, the dot suddenly became bigger and bigger.


The man in green robes then shouted,

"Spread out now!!"

After he said this however, the dot had already zoomed pass them. It was silent. So all six of them turned around to see what that big dot was.

However, before they could do so, a booming sound suddenly rang in there ears.


The man in green robes just stood there. Standing straight in the air.

"It was silent. Did it just ran pass us?"

Confused by the sudden situation, he looked at the other five. The next scene however, shocked him.

"Their..... Holding their heads.... No, ears to be exact. There's something flowing down their hands.... Is that blood? Their expressions.... They look like their in great pain.... What is this?"

Then, as if someone told him to put his hand to his ear, he slowly did so. When he finally touched his ear...... The feeling he got was wet...... and sticky.... Somehow.

(Author note: don't get the wrong idea you reader. I'm watching you. (☞ ಠ_ಠ)☞)

He then looked slowly looked at his hand.

It was red.

"Is this blood? No..... Is this my blood?"

He then noticed the other two Gale magicians falling to the Sea, while the Minera magicians....... They're gone. He couldn't see them anymore.

"Ahh, i see."

He then felt his body falling down, then soon felt the hardness of the water surface.

He then saw the water taking over the sky as he slowly sunk.

"Why did we accept that task....."

He then slowly closed his eyes as the light from the sky slowly disappeared within his vision.

And then slowly sunk into the darkness.

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