Chapter 4

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(Before the ships of the Empire arrived)

"Go, make sure you prepare a grand welcome to the people of the empire."

"Move it! Put that there."

On the port of Trade city Ashton. The people of the royal family, is hastily preparing a welcome to their 'guests'.

"Father, at last our kingdom will enter it's true prosperous stage."

"I know that my son, as the king of the Lina kingdom. I only think of the greater good for us."

Two people, one young and old. On the front of preparations. Is standing, waiting for the esteemed 'guests'. Is Michal the king of Lina kingdom and his son, prince Landof.

"For the future of the kingdom my father. With the empire's help, we will finally be able to surpass our rivals."(Prince Landof)

"Except for one."(King Michal)

On the left side of preparations, are the people of Biscot kingdom

"Hahaha, Michal old friend. Good seeing you here."

A person from the left side of the preparations, called Michal. Based on this person's tone, that person seems to be implying that they are good old 'friends' for a very long time.

However Michal on the other hand, seems to reject being called like that.

"Quit your yapping Cronel. When were we friends."(King Michal)

"As the king of the Biscot kingdom. Should I not regard an ally kingdom as a friend?"(King Cronel)

This person with the friendly-aloof tone is the king of Biscot kingdom, King Cronel.

But the said 'tone' then changed into something not very much friendly like.

"To be honest, I think that the Lina kingdom should just back down from this."(King Cronel)

"And why is that." Said King Michal in a flat tone.

"Because the Empire only needs one kingdom to give it's grace with." Said King Cronel with a voice filled with confidence and contempt at Michal.

Michal had no expression on his face but his eyes was filled with fury at his ridicule.

"Father show some manners would you." Said a person to Cronel.

"Ah Crome, hehe sorry for that. Just caught up in a little competition there you see."(King Cronel)

This person that called King Cronel father, is Crome or Prince Crome of the Biscot Kingdom.

"And Landof why don't you get your 'father' to do his own stuff now. There is an important guest coming and your just standing their like a duck. Should you not be getting ready?"

Landof just scoffed at Crome and paid no heed to him like he was nothing. Right after scoffing at him he walk away turning his back at Crome.

Crome knowing that he was being insulted had fury in his eyes but returned to being calm after a few moments.

"Come Father we still have to do our own preparations." (Prince Crome)

King Cronel just shrugged his shoulders and followed his son.

King Michal seeing the backs of the two, turned back to his own side of preparations to welcome the Empire.


(Present time)

At this moment the Empire had finally come to the port and landed.

With the Biscot kingdom on the left and the Lina kingdom on the right. One could say that this was the grandest welcoming in the whole Tridom Republic.

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