Chapter 17

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"Wha-, invite? Where now?"

Lucilia, flabbergasted to what Markwin said, stuttered at saying her words.

With determination to get info on the fog, Markwin once more said his words resolutely.

"Yes, we would like to invite you to our country."

Lucilia didn't know what to do. This was a first for her. Invitation? Yes it's her first invitation to such things. Even the Republic doesn't pay attention to her doings.

But ever since she said the words "Sea of fog", this happened.

She hesitated, would she accept or not, plus her side of the questions was still not answered!

She was conflicted to herself due to her own curiosity and the want to protect her people.

Slowly, she asked.

"What about my crew?"

The moment she asked him this, A reply was immediately given.

"We'll guide them through. Ever since the fog event, our waters became dangerous. There are a lot of things that we didn't expect to come to us."

Lucilia didn't said anything. He said that 'they' would invite her and her crew. Which was good. At least she would be near them.

Then she thought of the words 'waters became dangerous'. Is he implying that sailing freely on this area is not a good idea.

Thinking about this, she actually felt thankful for them stopping them from continuing to sail. If they didnt, what would have happen to them now....

She shook these thoughts out of her head, at least they would be alright.

Looking at Markwin, she said, "Alright then. I Agree to your invitation."

Markwin smiled and said, "Great, alright then please get your crew to be ready. We'll be leaving right away."

"Wait, as in now?" (Lucilia)

"Yes now, lieutenant get Ms. Lucilia back to her ship immediately."

The man in navy blue nodded, opened the door then signaled Lucilia to get out of the room.

Markwin proceeded to move out of the room. Then turned back to Lucilia and said,

"Ms. Lucilia, your knowledge about the fog would surely be beneficial for us, your deeds would be remembered by our country forever."

Then Markwin left, leaving a stunned Lucilia.


Back and forth, back and forth, walking hastily in such a way.

The sailors of the La Camesa couldn't help but be dizzy.

"Sir. Mercalos, we know that you are worried. But there is nothing we can do about it."

Mercalos glanced at that sailor, after that proceeded to do the same walk pattern once more.

The sailor, seeing this sighed.

"1 hour...."

Hearing this, the sailor looked at Mercalos once more.

"It's been 1 hour."

Not understanding what Mercalos meant, the sailor gave Mercalos a "what are you implying" look.

"Many things can happen in 1 hour."

Then, it dawned on this sailor. Yes, many 'things' can happen in 1 hour. Now knowing what Mercalos meant. The sailor couldn't help but wanting to do the same walk pattern as Mercalos.

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