Chapter 15

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Confusion. That's it.

"Who-who said that?" Asked a sailor.

The voice they heard, it was loud. Everyone on the ship was stunned when they heard it.

They were prepared to die.Their morale was high. And then this voice suddenly broke all of it.

When that sailor asked, no one answered.

Even Lucilia was stunned. Is someone playing tricks on them?

While they were looking where the voice originated, the same voice was then heard once more.

"I will repeat, You have entered territorial waters without permission. State your identity and your purpose or we will open fire."

This time someone noticed where it came from.

"E-everyone.... I think it came from that."

All of them within the La Camesa looked at where this person was pointing and when they saw where he was pointing, they thought him to be an idiot.

A beast talking there language? Those only came from myths! No one believes what this person said.

However, there own beliefs was shattered when they heard it once more. But the voice this time has more pressure.

"This will be the last time, State your identity and your purpose or we will open fire."

Then, this 'beast' skin began to have changes. Holes appeared but was soon covered by some box like things. The box like things, on the other hand, began to have this small red dots.

Lucilia, no knowing that the voice came from this beast, did not hesitate to answer. Perhaps if she answered this 'beast' questions it would let them live.

Using magic to amplify her voice, she said, "I am Lucilia, the captain of this ship, the La Camesa. We came here to explore the Sea of fog, but to our surprise, it had disappeared. So, as explorers, we investigated it's disappeareance. As we continue to investigate more, we didn't notice that we had enter your territory. So on behalf of my crew, I am really sorry."

After saying this, it became silent for a while.

Within this silence, Lucilia was already drenched in sweat, but it wasn't just her but all of the people within the ship.

The silence didn't last long, moments later, the voice then resounded in their ears onnce more.

"Don't move or we will fire, prepare to get boarded.

Lucilia breathed a sigh of relief, at least they won't die if they get boarded right.



While contemplating about this words, she noticed one sailor performing magic, she was just about to stop him when a loud 'buush' was heard.

When this sound was heard, a sailor pointed at the incoming projectile.

The projectile was smoking, but it didn't hit them. What it hit was the water on their right.

Right after hitting the water a boom was heard. A huge splash hit some of the people within the ship. Making them wet.

After this happening, the voice was heard once more.

"Last warning. Don't move."

Lucilia immediately gave that sailor a look of reprimand. The look, of course saying, "Don't do anything funny would you."

That sailor immediately bowed, he didn't expect his action to be noticed by this 'beast'.

Now all they could do is wait for the incoming future.


A clear blue sky, a shining sea. This is a perfect set up of beauty and peace.

Except for the fact that there's a huge black Stinger and the small La Camesa facing each other.

Mercalos, cautiously walking over to Lucilia, asked.

"Are we going to be alright?" (Mercalos)

Lucilia looked at him and said, "Just don't do anything that would attract hostility, then we would be fine."

Hearing this, Mercalos breathed in a sigh of relief. He felt that a huge rock was lifted from his shoulders knowing that he won't die today.

Moments passed, a small dot appeared far into the horizon. That small dot became two dots, then there were one more dot above the other two dots.

The sailors started to notice these dots, and they soon noticed that the one dot above the other two was the first one getting closer to them.

They started to worry once more. What is it now this time?

They got their answer soon after.

The fastest dot became recognizable, but of course the sailors didn't know what it was.


"Captain, this is Bird-Z2. We have approached the reported intruder. What are your orders?"

"Copy that Z2, just do some rounds while drinking your morning Nescafe, just watch over them."

"Copy that."

A Twinblade gunship, one of the now new modern era helicopters. It's packed with missiles for fast sweeping over it's enemies. It also runs fast and can manuever around tight terrain, of course the skill of the pilot must be included when it does that.

Back on the La Camesa, there are cautious ones and curious ones. The gunship was very new to their eyes. Is that a new type of creature?

One of the crew members that had a sharp eye suddenly exclaimed, "Look! Are those people?"

The exclamation attracted most of the crew, they say a man in Black clothing looking at them from below.

Lucilia could not help but wonder, "People? Then does that mean that within the former sea of fog there was a hidden kingdom?"

She continued to think on her own speculations, but she soon put it at the back of her mind. She did so because the other two small dots that we're lagging behind finally catched up, and she was shocked at what those dots actually look like.

A ship! It was a ship.

Then she gave it a more clearer look, this design....

She saw this design before, it was that of the Empire! But she soon took it of her head since how would the empire get within the sea of fog. Even the empire doesn't dare to get within the fog.

So she gave it an even more clearer look.

And now, she noticed the difference. This ship was larger than that of the Empire's and there was a pretty eye catching flag as well.

She knew that flags on ships represents what country that ship belong to. So she gave the flag a good look.

Three colors, blue at the top, red at the bottom, and then a white triangle at it's right. Hmm? That white traingle has three stars and.... the mark of the Goddess, Soli......


"Wha-what did this flag mean?! And that mark.... Isn't that Goddess Soli's mark?! What?! Where did this country come from?!" These were the current thoughts of Lucilia.

Looking at the ships heading towards them, she knew she would get her answers soon.

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