Chapter 16

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"Draw the bridge."

Two ships, a cruiser and a destroyer, boards the expedition ship, the La Camesa.

Men dressed in navy blue camo, boarded the La Camesa.

The crew of the La Camesa made a stepped back subconsciously, something like a chain reacting instinct.

One of the men dressed in navy blue camo took a quick glance. Then asked, "Who's the captain?"

Lucilia, with a hesitant look, answered, "I am."

The man gave her a glance, then looked at the person watching from the destroyer's deck.

That person nodded. Then the man in navy blue asked, "Can you come with us, we want to ask you some questions?"

At this point, Lucilia was already sweating hard. She expected this, she gulped a mouthful of cold air then said, "Alright."

Mercalos looked at her, wide eyed. He immediately went to stop her. But he was interrupted Lucilia herself.

With a smile, she said, "It's alright. I'll be fine."

Mercalos was silent. He himself knows Lucilia's personality and attitude. Once she resolved herself on something, nothing would stop her from doing it.

Lucilia followed the man in navy blue to the destroyer.

Awaiting on what's to come.


Walking within the ship, Lucilia was brought to a room.

The room had a table, a pen and paper, a two chairs, and as one of the classics, the table has a plate of donuts.

She just sat there not knowing what would happen next.

Soon after, the man in navy blue came in. After he entered, another man entered.

That man had darker skin color, looking from the age of 30 to 40 years old-ish, and had a scar on his neck.

The man in navy blue, stood just right at the door while the other man sat, just opposite of Lucilia.

The man and Lucilia was just staring at each other for some time.

The man sitting opposite of Lucilia then broke that.

"My name is Markwin. I am the captain of this destroyer, the PN-Rockwell."

Markwin then proceeded to move the plate of donuts near Lucilia.

"Have some donuts, maybe eating can help you calm down."

Lucilia looked at the plate of donuts.

"Eating? Donuts?"

In a hesitant voice, she asked, "Is.... this.... food?"

Markwin nodded.

Still hesitant, Lucilia once more asked, "This is safe right?"

Markwin once more nodded.

Lucilia still didn't move, nervousness and worry is visible within her eyes.

Markwin sighed.

"I know that you are worried on many cases, and both of us have questions that needs answers. So, in order to do this, we need to first form a mutual trust in each other. And so, we can start forming that trust on this plate of donuts."

"So, have some donuts."

Lucilia contemplated on his words, "His right." She thought. "I myself have some questions that needs answers as well."

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